36|the brother

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"Why?" Daenerys hisses as she sits on the small throne. A coldness was held in her throat. Lyanna stood next to her, starring down at the former slave.

"For you, Mhysa." Mossador kneels in front of his mother, looking up at her with a smile. Lya feels a hint of regret, but she ignores it. "You wanted the Harpy dead, but your hands were tied. I set you free, as you did all of us."

"He was our prisoner, awaiting trial. You had no right." Dany says, her voice softer.

"He would rather rip your city apart than see slaves lifted from the dirt."

"There are no more slaves. There are no more Masters."

"Then who lives in the Pyramids? Who wears gold masks and murders your children?" There is a long silence, Daenerys looks up at Lyanna who's eyes never leave Mossador. "When Grey Worm came to us, I was the first to take up the knife for you. I remember the look on my father's face as I struck down his Master, who had traded his infant son for a dog. My father died in the fighting. If we allow the Sons of the Harpy to return us to chains, he never lived."

"The Harpy's life was not yours to take. Once, the Masters were the law..."

"...and now you are the law!"

"The law is the law. Take him." The former slave looks up at his mother, pain and shock on his face. Two Unsullieds carry Mossador out of the room. Lya watches him go, her lip twitching.

"Mercy." Lya says plainly, turning to Dany. "Give him Mercy." The Queen stands, turning to glare at the woman.

"Mercy? You just told me to kill him. Now. Now Mercy?" She shakes her head. "I will give him no mercy. Like you said. He betrayed me."

"He's loyal to you and you only." Lya muttered, looking down on the Targaryen.

"And you were loyal to me and me only once. How times have changed." Dany pushes past her, slamming her shoulder against Lya's own. The Stark looks to the ground and sighs. Her intention was never to lose Daenerys as well.

The Unsullied escort Daenerys and her small council down to the stage. A large crowd surrounds them. Mhysa! Myhsa! They all scream for her. Lya refuses to look at them as they reach for her as well. Their mother and her followers. They wouldn't call her Mhysa much longer.

The group settles in front of the courthouse, surrounded by both former Masters and former slaves. The Unsullied form a ring around Daenerys.

"She should have cut off the traitor's head in the Great Pyramid and been done with it." Hizdohr mutters to Daario.

"I hope she does that to you." Lya says, snapping her head towards the master's son. The man looks away and Lya lets the feeling of triumph run through her for a moment. She never did like that man. She notices the masters as they leer at the Queen. The slaves all screamed for her.

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