50|the long night

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Lya looks down at the battlefield, heart racing faster than a dragon's wings. Sunfyre moved her head closer to her mother, purring lightly. Lyanna nodded to her. "It's going to be alright my Sun." The war horns were still going off. The dead neared. But it was so dark she couldn't see them all. She knew there must be thousands.

Claps of thunder brought a whirl of wind as Rhaegal and Drogon landed next to Sunfyre. The largest of the dragon's stretched her wings excitedly as the other dragons screeched at her. Viserion was last to land, sticking closely to Drogon who was being ridden by Daenerys. Viserion was always close to his mother or Lya, too shy to leave their side. Lya worried he would never have a rider. He was such a sweet dragon, Lyanna knew, it would be a shame.

Jon and Dany got off the dragons and came to Lyanna's side. "The dead are upon us." Jon says as he steps closer to Lya, his hand on the wolf hilt of his sword. "We have to kill the Night King. That is the key."

"I can not lose all my people." Daenerys interrupted. "I will not send them after the Night King. They will defend Winterfell."

"Whoever can kill him, will." Lya said, looking between the two beside her. "Be careful. Remember the plan." Jon grabs Lya's arm, looking at her desperately.

"Be careful. Please." Lya nods, turning to Daenerys and reaching for her hand.

"I wish you would stay in the crypts." Dany whispered, wanting no more than to take Lya into her arms.

"My place is here." Lya pulled away and turned to Sunfyre. She took in the sunrise and midnight blue scales of her chest before moving to her wings. Golden talons stretches out onto the snow and lowered so that Lya could get into her. She held onto the pink of her horns, starring at the abys before them. "I love you, My Sun." Lyanna spoke softly, leaning closer to the dragon. "Keep Safe." And with that, they took to the sky.

Lya watched from above as the Dothraki charged towards the dead. The lights went across the field like flames licking for fuel.

Slowly, the lights died.

Sunfyre felt her mother's fear, letting out a roar. She had seen the shadow of Ghost running with the Dothraki. She thanked herself for keeping Daenys with Sansa to protect her if anything happened in the crypts. The group ceased fire as none of the flames remained. A few made their way back to the group, injured and afraid.

The dead cane over the unsullied like a wave. Snarling and slicing. They fought back, left flank, right flank, center. Lya dives below, "Dracarys!" She screamed out, sending flames in a line across the wights. Viserion followed her lead, breathing flames on the ones Lya missed. Dany and Jon weren't far behind. Rhaegal turned his sights towards the White Walkers standing at the edge. Lya turned to follow him as a wall of cold came rushing at her. Winter, she thought, winter was here.

The storm blew over all, blocking their line of sight. Bellow the dead and living were stabbed alike as they kept them from the gates of Winterfell. Lya could see barely as they began to fall back towards the gate. They were losing.

She flew higher in the sky, letting the moonlight wash over her. Her heart beat was racing. Viserion flew up behind her, his cream and gold body coming next to her. She smiled, feeling a little peaceful at the way he cooed as he flew next to Sunfyre.

In the corner of her eyes she saw a glint of ice. She pulled up, Sunfyre launching higher into the sky. But Viserion was too slow. He let out a blood curdling screech. She watched as his blood spewed from his chest. He threw fire in the air, desperate to face his attacker. But he could not fight the spear inside him. Lya cried out a sob at the sight.

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