48|to play right

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"I know what Cersei has told you, that I've come to destroy your cities," Lya looks out at the prisoners, they're covered in blood and filth. It makes her feel powerful. The battlefield still burns with dragon fire. I did that, she thought, I helped win. "...burn down your homes, murder you and orphan your children. That's Cersei Lannister, not me. I'm not here to murder. And all I want to destroy is the wheel that has rolled over rich and poor to the benefit of no one but the Cersei Lannisters of the world. I offer you a choice. Bend the knee and join me. Together we will leave the world a better place than we found it, or refuse and die."

Immediately, a few Lannister men kneel to the ground while most remain standing. Sunfyre lands next to Lyanna, letting out a massive roar that sends her shaking it out to her tail. All of the Lannister men quickly kneel while a few still remain standing including. "Step forward, My Lord." Lyanna says, reaching a hand up and petting Sunfyre's jaw.

"You will not kneel?" Daenerys questions, holding her hands before her.

"I already have a queen." The man argues, his face emotionless. They will die in our old world, Lya ponders, men like this will never kneel.

"My sister, she wasn't your queen until recently though, was she, until she murdered your rightful queen and destroyed House Tyrell for all time. So it appears your allegiances are somewhat flexible." Tyrion tries to argue with the man, but he stubbornly refuses.

"There are no easy choices in war. Say what you will about your sister, she was born in Westeros, has lived here all her life. You on the other hand, you murdered your own father and chose to support a foreign invader. One with no ties to this land, an army of savages at her back." Daenerys bristles, her lip pulling back in a snarl.

"You will not trade your honor for your life. I respect that." Dany turns to Lya who nods. Tyrion cuts in.

"Perhaps he could take the black, Your Grace. Whatever else he is, he is a true soldier. He would be invaluable at the Wall."

"You cannot send me to the Wall. You are not my queen." Lyanna steps foreword at this, grabbing the man and pulling him front the crowd. She sets him on his knees in front of Sunfyre who growls lowly.

"You will have to kill me too." A younger man calls out. The old lord glares.

"Step back and shut your mouth." He growls, Lya can see the resemblance in the two.

"Who are you?" Daenerys asks, face blank of emotions.

"A stupid boy." The old man tries.

"I'm Dickon Tarley, son of Randyll Tarley." Dickon says, causing Lya to hold a straight face.

"You are the future of your house. This war has already wiped one great house from the world. Don't let it happen again. Bend the knee." The younger man looks from the Targaryen to his father to Sunfyre before his eyes rest on Lyanna's.

"A son is not held responsible at his father's mistakes," she says, eyes soft. "Bend the knee and live. You will keep your lands and titles. Your sons and grandsons will. As long as you pledge your loyalty." Dickon finally nods, reluctantly bending his knee. Lya grabs Randyll Tarley and pulls him to an open area. She sets him on his knees. Lya turns back and comes to her Queen's side, watching him cautiously.

"Lord Randyll Tarley, I, Daenerys of House Targaryen, First of my name, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons, sentence you to die." She watches for a second longer as the man keeps a firm face. He does not move or cry. He sits on his knees and waits. "Dracarys."

Jon hands the scroll to Lya, leaving her confused. She opens it, eyes skimming the page. "Arya." She murmurs. "She's alive?" Lya looks up, eyes bright. "And Bran?" Something in Daenerys turns her stomach. Her family is alive, the Queen thought, what if she leaves me?

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