56|a dragons promise

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"I don't know if I'm ready." Lya said as she sat on the bed. The rooms in Dragonstone were cold, she found. Where Winterfell was warm from the hot springs bellow the surface. Lyanna remembered the summer nights that she had slept with nothing but a thin layer of furs. That had given Addy quite the surprise in the morning.

Everyone who followed me across the sea, Lya realized, is dead. All left of them is Daenys and Sunfyre. Why would anyone follow me, she questioned herself silently, if I can't even protect four people.

"You were made to rule." Daenerys said as she sat beside her, reaching over and putting a hand on her thigh. "You have nothing to fear. People will follow you."

"And what will happen to them? Will they die like everyone else who follows me? I'm nothing but a curse Dany." Lya said, feeling tears stinging at her eyes. I will not mourn, she had told herself, not till the war is won.

"I followed you," Daenerys said, laying her head against her lover's shoulder. "I believe in you, Alysanne Targaryen."

"But I'm not Alysanne Targaryen. I'm Lyanna Stark. No, not even that. I'm Lya Snow. I'm weak and cold and I break so easy." Lya pulls away, standing to her feet and looking down at the silver queen.

"You are a Dragon." Daenerys stands as well, grabbing Lyanna's hands in hers. "You are the blood of the conqueror. You are the wife of Daenerys Targaryen and Jaehaerys Targaryen. If people will not follow we will make them follow." Lya nods slowly.

"I don't want to be like Aerys Targaryen."

"We are not my father. We are the conquerors come again."

Sunfyre was the first to land, stretching out her sunrise wings as she perched on the wall of Winterfell

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Sunfyre was the first to land, stretching out her sunrise wings as she perched on the wall of Winterfell. Lya slid off her wings, looking down at the people that gathered in the court yard as Rhaegal and Drogon landed next to her. "You all knew me as Lyanna of house Stark." She gestured to Jon next. "And he was nothing more than the bastard of Winterfell." Her words were loud, echoing over the ever growing number of people. "But we were never Snow or Stark. We were Dragons raised in the house of Wolves. Our mother is Lyanna Stark, and our father is Rhaegar Targaryen!" Voices rose as people whispered disbelief. "Married in secret during Robert's rebellion."

"We are the rightful heirs to the Seven Kingdoms." Jon announces, grabbing Lya's hand.

"And with the help of Rhaegar's sister." Lya reaches over, intertwining her fingers with Dany's.

"We will take back the Seven Kingdoms and break the wheel of Tyrants." She finishes. People look around at each other, unsure.

"Bound by marriage as Aegon the Conqueror was, we will take back our home and live in freedom!" The remaining Unsullied and Dothraki cheered at Lya's rally cry. The Northmen still seemed uncertain as they watched the dragons looking over. Sunfyre suddenly roared out, making everyone cower in fear. Lya put a hand on the blue scales of her leg to calm her.

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