15|of men and hounds

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"You should drink, My Lady." A Lannister man who had taken responsibility for Lya spoke. She shook her head.

"I'll drink when I see my father again." She spits at him, glaring over at the blonde man. She leans against the rock, looking around at the men of the camp. They were a day away from whatever destination Jaime was taking her to. He still had her in chains. She didn't know what to expect.

"Please Lady Stark." He says quietly, using her maiden name. She turns to him and grabs his sword from the sheath, pointing it at his neck. Lya scowls down at the man, some distant cousin of Jaime's.

 Lya scowls down at the man, some distant cousin of Jaime's

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"You're not going to kill me." He says confidently. Unfortunately he was right. She dropped the sword and dropped back to her spot on the muddy ground. "Ary." He greets, hoping they could start over. But he was a Lannister. And wolves and lions don't mix.

"Where is my direwolf?" She hissed, looking around for the pup. They had taken her as soon as they made camp. Jaime was nowhere to be found.

"The direwolf? She's tied up with the horses." Ary informs, standing up and offering her his hand. "I can take you to her."

"Why are you being kind to me. What do you want." Lya accuses. He just shrugs.

"We Lions are not all bad. Just the entitled ones." He winks, causing a small smile to appear on Lya's face. Something that had not been seen for a while. He leads her to where the horses trample the wet terrain, attached to a large tree. A growl erupts from behind it, causing Ary to jump back and grab Lya protectively. She just laughs as Daenys comes from behind the tree. The wolf jumps excitedly at the sight of her, running towards her.

But she is snapped back as the short chain holds her against the tree. Lya rushes to her side, allowing the pup to kiss her face happily. "You're alright girl. I'm here now." Lya soothes, petting down her ears. She was tired after the long ride. They barely let the wolf break before making her keep up with the horses again.

Ary looks around nervously. If he was discovered they may think he was trying to help her escape. "My Lady, we should be getting back to camp." Lya stands up, nodding reluctantly.

"Thank you." Lya kisses her wolf before following the man back to camp. When they get there her spot against the rock had been taken by a few Lannister soldiers. They drank and laughed next to the newly built fire. "Excuse me." She scowled down at them, crossing her arms.

"Ah the little Princess." One sneers at her. She ignores him as he stands, looking down at the other boy who sits in her spot.

"Far from home aren't you little wolf." An older man says from behind her. She whips around, glaring down the man. "Must be a little hot for a Northern Princess."

"Yeah why don't we help you get out of those clothes little girl." Lya feels hands on her hips suddenly and she turns, slamming her elbow up into the dark haired man's nose. Another lunges for her but she ducks, letting him roll into the ground and towards the hot fire. She turns to he next foe, waiting for a chance to attack.

A hand grabs her shoulder, forcing her to turn around. Before she can react the man's hand slams against her face. Lya sees stars as he pushes her to the ground, her head still ringing. Ary watches from behind the flames, not daring to speak out against the other soldiers. Two of them grab her arms, holding her down as she kicks and screams.

"Let me go!" Lya screams as the older man sits on top of her legs, ripping at her trousers. Once their far enough down he begins to unbuckle his own trousers, grinning evilly at the young Stark. As he aligns himself her screams and yells do nothing to stop him.

Lya watches as a sword is stabbed into the man's head from behind. Blood bursts out of his wound, spraying the two men holding her and Lya herself. The men jump off, standing up straight and looking to the ground as their fellow solider falls to the muddy terrain. As his body falls to the side, Lya looks up to meet the emerald green eyes of Jaime Lannister.

He puts his hand out for her but she doesn't take it

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He puts his hand out for her but she doesn't take it. Jaime rolls his eyes, bending down and picking her up. He throws her over his shoulder and looks out at his men. "She may be our prisoner but she is also my wife. Next man to touch her will die the same death." He kicks the dead body of the man who assaulted her before carrying her away. Lya doesn't resist as he brings her to a more secluded area of their makeshift camp.

"Are you alright?" He asks almost tenderly as he wipes the blood and mud off of her face. She slaps his hand away, glaring at the Lion.

"You dare touch me. I wish you would have let them kill me." Lya hisses at him. He grabs her shoulders harshly, forcing her to look at him.

"Yes they would have killed you. But first they would have raped you. Fucked you senseless. Each and every one of them taking turns until you bled to the brink of death. And maybe they would have gave you pity and slit your throat once you were useless to them." Lya stared at him, her face unmoving. "Is that what you want? Do you want me to throw you back to the dogs."

"You need me. I'm the key to the North once you kill my whole family isn't that right? And once you I give you a boy to role Castelry Rock and one to be the Warden of the North you can slit my throat yourself." Lya pushes at his chest, but he doesn't budge his hold on her.

"I won't kill you." Jaime says, standing up tall and starring the Stark down.

"Maybe you'll have the Mountain do it then? Have him rape me and then cut me in half like he did Elia Martell?" Jaime grabs her hips, pulling her against him.

"I'm not going to hurt you Lyanna." Jaime promises softly, leaning in and kissing her hard. But the moment he put her on that horse he lost her. He had her, once. But Jaime had never known love. And he never would. When he pulled away, her open palm stung his cheek. He stared at her in disbelief.

"You've already hurt me, Jaime Lannister. Now throw me out to the dogs and get it over with."

Short chapter again sorry. As the story goes on each chapter becomes 2000 words.

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