59|the targaryen dynasty

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This is Lya's main royal outfit because it it fucking beautiful

Lyanna stands in what was once the hands tower. Now an empty set of apartments. She wondered the hall for a moment, touching the table where Arya had stabbed into. The world was different. When she picked up her hand, dust was on her fingers.

She made her way farther into the apartments, walking down the hall until she found her old bedroom. The smiled a little as she took it in. She remembered how small Daenys was when the pup got there. How she could curl at her feet then. Now the wolf took up half the bed. She recalled when Sunfyre was merely an egg, hidden under the bed for years.

She made her way to the room she was kept in when pregnant. Her heart sunk as she found her way into the ruins of it. They had not fixed it, it was sealed off to most. The tower was clean from the outside, but a grave yard inside.

She walked across the ash carefully, finding what she was looking for. She saw the spot, an imprint of her body where she let the fire take her over. And next to it was a pile of ash. She pulled out the sword. Oathkeeper. Brienne of Tarth had told her its name. Jon insisted they melt it down. Brienne had her sword melted down for Lyanna without telling her. Jon had kept that too. She had part of ice. But Lya refused to melt down Jaime's sword as well.

She bent down by the pile, softly placing the sword next to it. "You would have had this sword," she said to the ghosts in the room. "In another life. In another form." She closed her eyes, listening to the roars outside as the dragon's flew around the Red Keep. They had been away for a day or two, no one questioned it. They didn't need to constantly be by their dragonrider's sides. The world was different now. They had built it anew.

She stood and sighed as she turned out of the room. He would have played in these halls, she pondered, with Sansa's children and the other noble's children. But that was a life she thanked the gods she didn't have. One where Sansa was Joffrey's Queen. The thought made her sick.

Alysanne made her way back to her new apartment, the Queen's chambers. The three rooms were next to each others, a dragon carved into each. The colors of their own dragons. The dragon always had three heads.

Lya stepped inside, finding Daenys waiting on her giant bed. The direwolf jumped up, running to her side and sniffing at her. She fought well, Greyworm had told her, the direwolf has killed more than half of what he did. She was strong. She was always strong. Ghost had came along as well, always sticking to her side.

Lyanna sat on the bed, the wolf sitting on the ground next to her and laying her head in her lap. "You're a good girl." She cooed and kissed her head as she ran her fingers along the pelt of the direwolf. "My most loyal companion."

Lyanna heard a clap of thunder, pulling her from their moment and bringing her to the window. She saw Drogon and Sunfyre outside her balcony, hovering. She smiled, reaching up a hand for Sunfyre to lean against. But instead the dragon flew higher, revealing that she had something curled in her golden talons.

She peered into the night sky, trying to figure out what it was. The dragon lowered carefully, dropping the two round objects into her hands. Lya opened her mouth in shock as she felt scales.

She looked down at the dragon eggs, eyes wide. "Sunfyre." She whispered. "How..." before she can question, Drogon flies closer as well. Lyanna carefully sets the eggs down and prepares as Drogon drops two more. She holds in a gasp, grabbing the eggs in her arms and setting them on the bed. They were as heavy as stone. She comes back to the balcony but the dragons are gone.

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