10|a good man

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She looked down the hallway, standing half behind the corner that luckily hid her. She didn't really know what her plan was. But she went foreword, coming to the door anyway. She silently thanked Addy for providing her with the information of the room. Lya's friend was quiet enough and listened plenty so she could get much information for her Lady.

Lya hesitates, her hand hovering over the door

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Lya hesitates, her hand hovering over the door. The lion engraved into it stares at her expectantly. All she wants to do is claw the eyes of the lion out and run away. But she stood her ground. She knocked.

The door flew open almost immediately and Lya stood their, flustered and blushing. Jaime smiled when he saw her. Not his usual smirk but a smile. "You're not dressed." Lya quickly says, turning around and looking out into the empty hall. Jaime chuckles, looking down at his bare chest.

"Well, Princess of the North, the sun hasn't even rose." He chides, using the nickname that he knew Lya hated to be called. A popular name in the North for her but much less popular at the King's court.

"Yet you opened your door without a second to spare." She said, taking a look back before moving her eyes back to the wall before her.

"If I recall correct the first time we met you weren't decent either but you didn't seem to mine." Jaime Lannister eyes the girl, taking her in from behind. She stood stiff, her long cloak held tight against her. It was the black one that was warn from years of wearing it constantly.

"Fine." Lya grumbled, turning around and pushing at his chest so that he backs up into his room. She closes the door behind her and Jaime watches her with shock.

"Lya Stark." He chides teasingly. "We're not even married yet."

"Oh shut up. Your nagging is annoying me already and I'm about to retract my offer." Lya hisses and crosses her arms, glaring at the man.

"You haven't even made an offer." He says with confusion. He suddenly feels awkward with the woman alone in his room with him. This wasn't how he wanted to do things with her. He went to his bed and grabbed a lose shirt, throwing it on and walking back to her.

"I want you to spare with me." Lya says, sounding more like a command than a request.

"Spare with you?" Jaime scoffs, looking over the girl. Originally he had thought her fighting was a joke. A way to spite him as he was on his way to the Broken Tower to see his lover. Where he did eventually throw this girl in his room's brother out a window. That would be an awkward conversation once they're married, Jaime thought to himself.

"I'm out of practice since I left for Kingslanding. I need someone to help keep me in shape. Someone who can actually fight and isn't afraid to hit me with a sparing sword every now and then." Lya smiled a little at Jaime's surprise.

"I don't think your father would approve..."

"My father knows I fight. He's the one who supports it." Lya cut him off, only for him to shake his head.

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