04|of the wolves

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Lya looks out at the group as they prepare to leave the keep for a hunting trip. The King's men had been here for only a day and Robert insisted on hunting. Daenys' wet snout presses against Lya's leg, causing her to look down. The wolf sits down and nuzzles her owner's leg.

"I know." Lya mutters and walks towards the door. She wears black leather pants now with a pale blue riding shirt. It's a relief compared to the heavy dress from the night before. Daenys stays at her side as Lya's boots click along the empty hall. She turns the corner only to bump into a hard chest. Hands grip her shoulders and Daenys let out a growl, snarling up at the blond man.

"Lya." Jaime's molten gold voice says. "You wouldn't mind calling off your hound would you?"

"She's a direwolf. Not a welting bitch." Lya pulls away from the man but his grip holds. This causes Daenys to begin to bark. "It's okay Daenys." Lya finally says, causing the pup to sit down restlessly.

"I appreciate it. Now I have somewhere to be." But his hands remain on the Stark girl's shoulders.

"Do you now? What could be more important than I." Lya's words are spiteful and not sincere but Jaime smiles down at her.

"I could say the same thing." He lets go of her shoulders and holds his hands up in fake surrender.

"I'm going to spar. What is your excuse?" Lya doesn't care if Catelyn finds out about her lessons anymore. She would be gone in a fortnight anyway and her mother could not scold her about it then.

"You know how to fight?" Jaime quickly changes the subject. "It surprises me that the honorable Ned Stark would allow his daughter to do such dangerous things."

"I'm full of surprises." Lya walks past him and Daenys rushes on her heels.

"I bet you are, Lyanna Stark." Jaime mumbled as he watched the Northern Princess go. His heart wrenched when he remembered his original path. The Broken Tower to meet Cersei. His heart told him to follow Lya. To spar with her. To get to know the woman. But his mind chose otherwise, knowing of Cersei's already growing jealousy.

She wiped the sweat from her brow as she took up her stance once again. Ser Rodrick commanded the boy across from her to attack but he only stood with a shaky wooden sword. "I won't fight her. She doesn't play fair." The boy says. Lya scoffs, he was almost her age and he acted like a child.

"This isn't a game, boy. Do you want to learn or not?" Ser Rodrick snapped at him. The boy dropped his sword defiantly.

"We're tired of fighting her. If I have to fight the Stark Whore one more time I'll take the fighting to her chamber." Another boy on the side says as he lazily swings his wooden sparing sword.

Ser Rodrick is on him before Lya could react, pulling out his sword and putting it to the boys neck. "That is your Lord Stark's daughter you speak of. I'd kill you for what you said but I'd rather let her wolf tear into ya."


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