05|the heartache is

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Jon Snow stood at the top of the Keep of Winterfell, his eyes looking out on the dreary land around it. He turned to the North where he set his sights. "It's almost like you're already gone." Lya says, coming to her brother's side. She swings her legs over the side of the wall and sits on its edge.

"Why do you say that?" Jon asks, taking a seat next to Lya. The girl leans to her younger brother, by only the gods know how long, and lays her head on his shoulder.

"Because I'm here. And you're out there. You've always been out there." She looks to the North with tears pulling at her grey blue eyes. "You're destined for something Jon. I've known it ever since I could remember." Lya looks into the cloudy grey sky that is Jon's eyes. "Make your mother proud, whoever she may be."

"I'm going to miss you the most." Jon says, giving a sad smile to his half sister. "More than Robb and Bran and even Arya. You're my best friend. I love you dearly."

"If I wasn't going south would you stay in Winterfell?" Lya stands back up on the wall her eyes never leaving the distant Wall.

"Without a doubt." Jon stands as well, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Because I know damn well you would protect me and kill ever fool who tries to hurt me." He leans in, kissing her forehead and smiling at his sister. Their relationship had always been strong. While Robb prepared to be Lord of Winterfell someday it was just them. Their love blossomed even if Catelyn hated it.

"Of course I would. I'd cut their cocks off too." Lya smiled, looking down and letting out a sad laugh. "Next time I see you you'll be in black."

"And next time I see you you'll be in red and gold

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"And next time I see you you'll be in red and gold." Jon teases before pulling her into a tight hug. "I'll kill him if you want me to." He suggests, causing Lya to let out another laugh. She holds him tighter, looking out at the sky. In a month she would be farther from home than she had ever been. Farther from Robb and even farther from Jon. If the gods were kind she would see them again. Maybe they would come to her damned wedding.

But she knew, the Gods were not kind.

Saying goodbye to her unconscious brother was probably the hardest thing she had ever done. Lya imagined him waking up suddenly. Hugging his sister and rather than staying here he would come with them. But instead Lya clung to the motionless figure that was once her brother. If she held hard enough she could feel his heart beat. The only thing that told them all he was not dead.

"He's a fighter." Lya spoke softly as she finally pulled away from her younger brother. Rickon sat on the edge of the bed, looking sadly at his big sister.

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