30|the dragons den

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Yo so there is like actual sex ahead so skip this chapter if you want. It's just Lyanna and Dany finally getting it on. There isn't a lot that's important and it's CRINGY I'm sorry.

Lya stood outside of the Queen's chamber, her hand hovering over the door. She had dreamt of Robb again. His death. How her family had been killed so brutally. The dream kept her up. Lyanna didn't know why she was there in the first place. But she let her hand fall anyway, rapping on the door quietly as to not alert any guards in the hall.

It took a few long moments before the door finally opened. Daenerys stood in a messed up shift. It looked like she had a busy night. "Lyanna." The Targaryen murmured, sleep still etched in her throat.

"I don't." Lya starts but her words fail in her throat. "I should go." Lya stuttered as she looked at the silver woman's form. Soft pink nipples peaked through the light blue shift.

"No." Daenerys says and grips around her wrist. "There's something on your mind. Please. Come in." Her eyes were pleading and Lya let the Targaryen pull her into the room. It was much bigger than Lyanna's chambers. Blue and white covers with a canopy of white silk on her bed. The whole room seemed fitted for a queen along with a balcony to look out to her city. Dany moves to a cupboard and pulls out a bottle of wine. She takes out to glasses and fills them up.

The dragon queen brings the cups to Lya who stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. She takes the cup without complaint and gulps down the sweet drink. Daenerys smirks and looks at her from behind the cup. "You've drank it all. Do you handle your wine well?" Her tone is teasing.

"No. Not particularly." Lyanna smiles softly and looks down at the empty glass. Her stomach felt warm and begged for another drink. "More?"

"Maybe not yet." Dany chided and took the empty glass. She finished hers and placed them on a small table with the wine. "Now that our bellies are filled with wine. Tell me what plagues your mind." Lya thinks of an answer. The simple one was grief. But there was more underlying things that poked at her mind. Daenerys being one of them.

"I don't know, My Queen." Lya sighs and looks up at Dany. Gods she was so awkward, Daenerys thought, it made her want the Stark even more.

"I think I do." The Targaryen said, stepping closer and placing a hand on Lya's face. Her cheeks heated under the Queen's touch. Her pale skin turning darker shades of pink as Daenerys leaned in close. "Why else would you come to your Queen's chamber in the middle of the night?"

"I don't know, Your Grace." Lya choked out, her eyes squeezed shut as Daenerys' hand traveled down her exposed neck. A smirk played on her face as she pulled away. The Stark let our a disappointed noise when the warmth of the Targaryen disappeared and her eyes fluttered open.

"Take off your clothes." The Queen commanded Lyanna as she poured herself more wine. Dany sat on a long couch and leaned against the side of it, sipping at the glass.

"Your Grace..." Lya starts, nervous they could be caught.

"Take off your clothes." She repeated in even more of a commanding tone. This time Lyanna obliged. She let the cloak surrounding her body snake to the ground. Lya pulled off the thin shift in one go, only her small clothes remained on her body. "All of them." Dany repeated lifting her shift a little to rub her thigh suggestively as Lya watched.

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