21|as dust gathers

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Lyanna Stark heard of the battle that was the Blackwater. But she didn't even arrive till it was over.

Lya had watched Kingslanding come closer and closer from atop her horse. Calla. The beautiful beast was all she had left it seemed. With Daenys in Robb's hands and Arya safely escaping Harrenhal. She hoped that even if they had lied about Arya, Sansa was still there.

When she did arrive into the Red Keep. She was only met with the stench of a horrible sewage system. It seemed the Targaryens had more of a concern for pretty castles than how they smelled. Or maybe it was just the shit that replaced the Targaryens that stunk.

She laid her head against the horses and kissed her snout. "Thank you Calla." Lya said softly. She doubted she would ever ride again after this. The horse would become someone else's. Lya reluctantly handed Calla's reigns off to a stable hand and looked up at her cage. It wasn't new. But everything seemed different. The Red Keep seemed a little darker. Now that Tywin was hand she was officially the prisoner of the crown. Back to her glorified dungeon.

"Lady Stark." A small woman said from in front of her. Lya barely recognized her as she stood there, eyes to the ground.

"Addy." Lya muttered. The familiar eyes met hers. Lyanna rushed to her, hugging her against her tightly. "I thought they killed you along with all of the Stark men. I had heard they killed Sansa's friend Jeyne Poole too."

"I have no idea what happened to Jeyne. But I was already a maid for the Red Keep. They couldn't hurt me." The brunette spoke quietly, looking around for listening ears. "It's been so long. I've heard stories. You must tell me more."

"Of course." Lya said and kissed her friends cheek. With everything happening she felt bad to say that Addy has been the last thing on her mind. When news spread of the Stark's slaughter, Lya mourned for all of them including Addy. It was a shock and a delight. "And what of Sansa?"

Addy felt a small frown pull at her lips

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Addy felt a small frown pull at her lips. She had waited night and day for Lyanna's return. She didn't know what it was like to have a sister. An orphan at the age of 3. Lya was her family along with the Starks killed in the Red Keep. But she was Lya's loyal servant. And if that meant sacrificing her reunion with her best friend then so be it.

"She's here. She's alive and well. I mean as well as can be under the circumstances." Addy said, looking over Lya for a moment. "You're pregnant." She says as a statement more than a question. Lya nods solemnly.

"Yes. That's a story for later. Please. Take me to my sister." Addy nods, letting go of her hand and leading her towards the Red Keep. No one stops the pair as the gates shut and they continue in. Lya looks back regretfully. That was her prison doors being locked. She pushed away the thought. She would see Sansa soon. Her baby Sansa. A lone wolf is never good. Lya just hoped she could pick up the pieces that they had made Sansa into.

When she arrived in the room where Sansa was being kept, she wondered how far it was from the old Stark apartments. Lya had not memorized the layout of the Red Keep. She knew little of how to get to place to place. "She's in here m'lady." Addy said and nodded. "I have another lady I am attending while on your service. She probably needs me by now. Is it alright if I leave?" Lya nods, kissing her friends cheek and smiling softly.

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