14|two wolf pups

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A knock awake Lya from her sleep. She had been sleeping in Jaime's chambers for the past nights but this night she decided to stay in her old room in the Stark apartments. She had missed her family and had dinner with them. Decided there was no point to go back to Jaime's chambers when she could just sleep there.

At first Lya just rolled over, hoping it was a dream. But the other person behind the door persisted. She stood up groggily and opened the door. Arya looked up at her, big brown eyes glittering with tears. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked, her voice breaking.

"Of course Arya." Lya said and bent down to her sisters height. "Did you have a bad dream?" Arya nodded. The older Stark picked up her sister and carried her to the bed. She set her small figure onto the bed and closed the door. Daenys crawled next to Arya and laid her head on her lap. Arya absently pet the pup's head. Lya laid down next to her and put an arm around her little sister. "Tell me about your dream."

"I saw Jon. On the wall. But he had holes in his chest. It was all bloody. And then I saw Robb in Winterfell. Head hung from the rafters of the great hall. Mother with blood on her hands and neck laying on her own bed. Father with his head cut off. Bran falling from the tower. Rickon shot by an arrow. Sansa next to the iron throne with her throat slit. And... And I saw you. In a bed with blood all around you like mother after she had Rickon with fire everywhere. All of you. Dead." She explains the dream, her eyes never leaving the ceiling. Lya stares at her sister, wondering how the young girls mind could have created such horror. Lya kissed her head after a dark silence.

"I had a dream the other night. Dragons. Flying over the Red Keep. Breathing hot fire all about. Thousands of them. Like before the dance of dragons." Lya brushed her hands through her sister's hair soothingly.

"Tell me another dream

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"Tell me another dream. You always have the best dreams." Arya asked, looking over to her sisters almost grey eyes.

"Alright." Lya propped herself up and looked over at her sister. "There was a Dragon. Bigger than the famed elephants of the golden company. Strong and brave. Scales the color of black and red. This dragon was loved by all, for he wasn't just a prince. But an honorable and just dragon. Better than his father. The mad dragon who's scales were a sickly green. One day when all the lions and wolves and stags joined for a show of arms, the Dragon beat them all valiantly. When he was told to crown someone the Queen of love and beauty, he walked past his sun and dropped the crown of roses on the lap of a She-Wolf. Because he loved her."

"This sounds like quite a familiar story." Arya chided her sister. But Lya shook her head.

"This is a dream, Arya. Pay attention." Lya teases and tickled her sister for a second before continuing. "The Dragon and Wolf fell in love. The Dragon took his Queen of love and beauty somewhere their love could be shared, not hidden. But the Wolf's family fought the Dragons for their She-Wolf who was supposed to marry the Stag. This sparked a rebellion. One that was paid for in blood."

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