06|a price to pay

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Lya grips the reigns of Calla tightly as they near the Inn they would all be staying at. Daenys trotted ahead cautiously, clearing Lya's path simply by stalking through. "Addy." Lya said when she noticed the absence of her family's men in the area. "Go and find my room. Rest please. I know you're missing home."

The younger girl smiled at her companion and nodded before turning the horse away. Lya was glad to have Addy going along with her to Kingslanding. Though she wouldn't see much of her as she was becoming a maid there. Ned Stark had thought it a better position for the orphan who was very close to Lyanna Stark. This way the girl could stay close.

"Lya." A voice greeted from beside her, Lya turned to see Jaime Lannister atop a brown steed. He bore golden armor along with a red cloak for his house. My house, Lya thought to herself, soon enough anyway.

"Jaime." Lya responded simply, keeping her eyes on Daenys' sulking figure bellow. The wolf had not went more than the length of Calla away from her since the journey to Kingslanding started. "You look like you want to say something so get on with it." Jaime laughs a little at her lack of diplomacy.

"That wolf. Does she follow your every command?" He asks curiously, watching Daenys.

"If I command her to tear off your foot right now, yes. She would. We Starks share a great bond to our wolves." Daenys looks back at Lya as if to see if she's still following, her molten gold eyes staring at Jaime for a second before returning to their path.

"Sounds dangerous." The Lannister stares at the Stark for a long time, watching as her jaw tensed when she noticed his stare.

"She protects me." Lya looks to Jaime with a glare. "From anyone."

"I'm not your enemy." His hand finds her elbow, making her body tense from the foreign touch.

"History says otherwise." She spits out, pulling her reigns so that she stepped too far away for him to hold his touch.

"Don't judge a man by his past." Jaime defends himself, thinking of all the reasons she must hate him. He always knew he would marry her did she know she would marry him? What kind of things did her father tell her to make her hate him so?

"History tends to repeat, Ser Jaime." She hisses as she holds her legs tighter around the horse to urge the mare foreword. Daenys responds in turn, barking to move the king's court out of her way as they made their way to the inn. When she arrives to the makeshift stables she hops off, pulling Calla into a stall. She wonders for a moment if she should put Daenys in with her so that they both remained safe. But as she gestured the wolf in and Daenys only planted herself to the ground, she decided otherwise.

Lya closes the stall, turning to the carriage that held her sisters. She jogged to it, finding Arya playing with Nymeria beside it. Daenys runs over and begins to wrestle with the younger wolf, taking away Arya's partner. "Daenys!" Arya chided as she watched the pups play. The young Stark looked up at Lya with a bright smile. "Mycah and I are going to the river to spare, do you want to come?"

 "Mycah and I are going to the river to spare, do you want to come?"

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