18|with finding

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Daenys and Greywind laid at the end of Lyanna Stark's bed. Laying close to each other, their pelts touching under the cold winds that leaked into the tent. Lya starred in the mirror, turning in all directions to get a good look at herself. She was not the girl who left Winterfell. That she knew. But something else bothered her.

"Lya." Her mother's voice was one that seemed so familiar to her that she didn't have to turn around. But it was the feeling behind the word that made Lya whip around to meet her eyes with the ones of her mother. The first thing she noticed was the redness that rimmed the Tully blue of her eyes.

"What is is mother?" Lya asked, concern lining her voice

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"What is is mother?" Lya asked, concern lining her voice. Both of the wolves ears perked up at this, feeling the sadness washing into the room as Catelyn made her way to her daughter. The Stark girl had noticed something wrong in the camp. The moral from the victory just days ago gone, replaced with a solemn silence. They bowed to Lya whenever she left her tent, which had became a very rare occurrence.

"There's been a few hundred ravens." Catelyn coughed out with a cold laugh that had no joy. "It's." She began but the tears stopped her immediately. "It's your father."

"What has happened?" Lya almost shouted, her knees feeling weak. Her mother came to her, putting her hand on each side of her face softly. Lya laid her hands over top of the Tully woman's. Waiting for her answer. Her world felt as if it was crumbling down. The walls of the tent shivered fiercely.

"Your father had been beheaded at King Joffrey's command." Catelyn tumbles over her words, crying for her husband as she told the girl. Lya took a step back from her, stumbling as she went. She starred, waiting for the joke to be over.


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"No." Her voice broke as she held back tears. "Your lying."

"I'm sorry my darling. I'm so so sorry." At this Lya broke, collapsing to her knees and laying her head on her mother's skirt like a young child.

"No no no." She cried, her shoulders shaking. Catelyn knelt down with her, holding her shoulder with a strong grip. Lya refused to look at her. Tears streaming down her face with no soon stop. The wolves on the bed shifted and growled, believing it was the other woman in the room that brought Lya this sadness. "Father." She muttered it over and over again as if it was a spell that would bring him back to her if she said it long enough.

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