44|hand of the queen

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"If you want the Iron Throne, take it. We have an army, a fleet, and three dragons. We should hit King's Landing now. Hard. With everything we have. The city will fall within a day." Yara sits casually in the chair, looking to the Targaryen Queen who stands on the balcony. She listens, not turning to speak. Lya stands against a pillar, watching the group with dark eyes. Daenys sits at her feet, looming over the crowd.

"If we turn the dragons loose, tens of thousands will die in the firestorms." Tyrion Lannister argues, stirring in his chair. Ellaria Sand looks over at him, her features pulled in disgust. Lyanna had heard about Oberyn Martell. She didn't want to think of how it would have been witnessing it.

"It's called war. You don't have the stomach for it, scurry back into hiding." The Dornish woman spits at the tiny man. Tyrion glares, his mind wondering to the clip on his chest. He was hand of the Queen. He helped make the calls. And the woman in front of her killed his niece.

"I know how you wage war. We don't poison little girls here. Myrcella was innocent." Tyrion growls, sitting taller at the head of the table. Daenerys looks over at Lyanna, begging with her eyes to make them shut the seven hells up.

"She was a Lannister. There are no innocent Lannisters. My greatest regret is that Oberyn died fighting for you."

"If we fight each other our enemies will win." Lyanna says, coming to the table and stretching her arms over it. "Both of you. That is enough." Ellaria looks up at the Stark with wonder. She respected the girl. Saw something else within her. In a way, the poison hidden within her made her think of Oberyn. The Sand nodded, Tyrion still on edge. Seething.

"I am not here to be queen of the ashes." Daenerys spoke up, turning to look at the people around her. Lya nodded respectfully. That was her one wish. Deep inside the Stark wanted to believe that was her wish too. But she knew if she had it her way, Cersei's head would be on a spike by now outside the throne room.

 But she knew if she had it her way, Cersei's head would be on a spike by now outside the throne room

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"That's very nice to hear." The Queen of Thorns spoke up, only looking to the Queen across the room. "Of course, I can't remember a queen who was better loved than my grand daughter. The common people loved her, the nobles loved her. And what is left of her now? Ashes. Commoners, nobles, they're all just children really. They won't obey you unless they fear you."

"I'm grateful to you, Lady Olenna, for your council. I'm grateful to all of you. But you have chosen to follow me. I will not attack King's Landing. We will not attack King's Landing." Dany argues, but the thorns twist back.

"Then how do you mean to take the Iron Throne? By asking nicely?"

"We will lay siege to the capital surrounding the city on all sides. Cersei will have the Iron Throne but no food for her army or the people."

"And the people will starve." Lya argues, earning a glare from Tyrion. "You may not rule ashes but you could rule skin and bones? Lady Olenna is right. We can't win by asking nicely."

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