42|dragons fire

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When Lya first walked into the Pyramid, she expected to feel at home and at peace. Instead she felt dread. Fire burned outside as catapults fling burning barrels into the side of the Meereenese building.

A black and grey blur runs at her and she is thrown to the ground. The giant direwolf looks over her, licking and whimpering at her face. "Daenys." Lya giggles, rubbing the wolf's fur. She sits up and the direwolf shakes with excitement. When Lya pulls herself to her feet, she notices Daenerys determined steps. She follows, Daenys at her heels.

When the trio enters the room, Tyrion Lannister gulps. Each of them held a stern cold face. "Despite appearances, I think you'll find the city's on the rise." He starts but explosions occur outside, completely undermining his statement. "Perhaps we should take shelter."

"The city is on the rise?" Daenerys hisses as she looks outside. The Pyramid shakes with the explosions that rattle its walls.

"Meereen is strong. Commerce has returned to the markets. The people are behind you." Lyanna glares down at the short man. "Well, not all the people, of course. No ruler that ever lived had the support of all the people. But the rebirth of Meereen is the cause of this violence. The Masters cannot let Meereen succeed. Because if Meereen succeeds, a city without slavery, a city without Masters..." he pauses as another explosion shakes the floor. Daenys growls uncomfortably at the movement. "...it proves that no one needs a Master."

"Good. Shall we begin?"

"Once before, I offered you peace. If you had not been so arrogant, you could have returned to your homeland with a fleet of ships. Instead, you will flee Slaver's Bay on foot like the beggar queen you are." The former Master says with a smirk on his face. Lya glares him down, holding the hilt of the dagger with white knuckles.

It had been a gift from the Dothraki. One of the many offered up to Daenerys. She had given more of them to her soldiers but this one she gave to her. The blade was black as night and curved like a talon. Lya hoped she could get a Valyrian Steel sword when they returned to Westeros. Maybe she could have someone use Ice. Her father's sword.

"We are here to discuss terms of surrender," the Imp spoke up, holding his hands behind his back as he regarded the master. "not to trade insults."

"The terms are simple. You and your foreign friends will abandon the Great Pyramid and the city of Meereen. The Unsullied you stole from Kraznys mo Nakloz will remain to be sold again to the highest bidder. The translator you stole from Kraznys mo Nakloz will remain to be sold again to the highest bidder. The dragons beneath the Great Pyramid will be slaughtered." The Master lays out his terms and Lya feels a smirk pull at her lips.

"We obviously didn't communicate clearly." Dany says, eyes watching coolly.

"We're here to discuss your surrender, not ours." Lya wanted to laugh at the men. They had no idea what they had planned. She wished nothing more than to see the look on their faces when they watched their fleet burn.

"I imagine it's difficult adjust to the new reality. Your reign is over." The oh so wise master says, smiling at Daenerys with a shit eating grin.

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