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The goat herder stands before them, holding a wrapped object in his hands. He stands nervously, looking up at the group. Ary had joined the queen's guard despite Lya wishing he didn't. She didn't want him to get wrapped up in this and get killed for Dany. But it seemed Lyanna wouldn't hesitate to get killed for her.

Missandei stands a step down, prepared to translate for Daenerys. Greyworm and Jorah stood at guard and Lyanna was immediately to the Queen's right. Ary stood a little ways away, all were cautious of the blonde haired man. His cousin was the Kingslayer and they worried he would follow in his footsteps.

"You stand before Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons." Missandei announces to the man. Holding her hands in front of her.

"Don't be afraid, my friend." Daenerys assures the worried. He does not move though, head bowed.

"The Queen says you may approach and speak." Missandei reminds the man. The Goat Herder slowly steps foreword and ascends the stares, muttering quietly as he went.

"He is a goatherd." Missandei translates. "He says he prayed for your victory against the slave masters."

"I thank him for his prayers." Dany said, a soft smile as she looked at her subject. Lyanna thought she would be a good queen for the seven kingdoms. Missandei translates and they all watch as he places his bundle on the ground. He unwraps it slowly to reveals charred remains of his goats. Lya frowns, feeling guilty as she notices the marks of dragon fire.

"It was your dragons, he says. They came this morning for his flock." Missandei says a little quieter. "He hopes he has not offended Your Grace, but now he has nothing."

"Tell this man I am sorry for his hardship

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"Tell this man I am sorry for his hardship. I cannot bring back his goats," Daenerys says regretfully. "but I will see he is paid their value three times over." Lya wonders where she was getting the funds for this. She was generous in her work. He smiles excitedly and bows. Saying his thanks quickly as he grabs his bundle and exits the throne room.

"Send the next one in." Daenerys says, feeling pleased about herself. A well dressed man walks in with a servant trailing behind him. Lya places a hand on Dany's shoulder for a moment when she senses her anger at the man seemingly in chains.

"The noble Hizdahr zo Loraq begs an audience with the Queen." The servant says. Daenerys sneers down at them.

"The noble Hizdahr zo Loraq can speak to me himself." Daenerys commands. The man looks to the noble for permission before retreating behind him. Hizdahr bows in front of the Queen cautiously.

"Queen Daenerys. Tales of your beauty were not exaggerated." Lya cools her mind. His comments meant nothing but flattery and Daenerys would assure her that.

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