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Lyanna held her legs to her bare chest, opening her eyes to her surroundings. Soot covered her naked body. But that wasn't the first thing she noticed. As she uncurled from herself she looked around at the room. Or at least what was once a room. The furniture sat in ruin, half burnt and soot covered everything. Fire still burned in certain areas.

A small croak brought her from her trance. She looked to her left and found claws on her shoulder. Lya felt as something nuzzled against her head, its scaly body rubbing against her shoulders. Lya used her right hand to beckon the creature foreword. It jumped onto her forearm, flapping small wings.

Lya let our a gasp as she came face to face with the creature. The dragon. She put out a hand, brushing the side of its face. The creature nuzzled against her hand, leaning into the touch with a small sound. Lya suddenly smiled brightly.

She wondered for a moment if she had gone mad. The dragon had midnight blue and sunset colored scales, and pink-orange colored wings. As Lya starred at the creature, she remembered what had happened. If she had survived the fire maybe the baby had too.

But when she looked around she only found a pile of dust and small bone. Lya felt the tears pierce her eyes once again. She bent down and put a shaky hand on the pile. As the tears fell, the dragon moved to her shoulder and licked at the falling tears. Lya looked up towards the burnt door. "We'll kill them all." She muttered to the dragon who let out a screech as if to agree to her.

But as she looked at the dragon she knew he would not stand a chance. "Not yet." Lya said and stood up from the ground. The blood between her legs had burned away and the bump on her stomach gone. She put a hand on the ghost of her belly, refusing to let out more tears. "Soon." Lya promised. "For the Starks."

She heard footsteps walk quickly down the hall. One person she decided. Lya looked around for a weapon. She could kill one person. But as the bald man came around the corner she did not know what to do. The small dragon let out a hiss. The man's eyes widened and he dropped to the ground in what could he recognized as a bow. "Lady Lannister." He stuttered out. Lya stood a little taller.

"I am no longer Lady Lannister." She sneers as she takes a step closer to the man. "What is your name."


"The master of whispers. The untrustworthy. Now tell me spider." Lya bent down to look at the man. "How fast can you get me across the narrow sea." He looks up and a small smile appears on his face.

"As soon as you are ready, my lady."

Lya wrapped the cloak closer around her body. The soot was gone, replaced by the smell of pine and lilac. Varys had snuck her and the dragon out of the Red Keep and into the kingswood by the harbor. He told her he got her a ship as soon as he could. A small one with a quiet and trustworthy crew. Lya had laughed at this. She could trust no one now.

"Have you named the dragon?" Varys asked as they carefully trekked through the woods. Lya thought for a moment, thinking of the histories she had read.

"Sunfyre." Lya said to the dragon. The creature jumped up, flapping its wings excitedly. Well. She had one she could trust.

"Be careful, my lady. Even where we are going your dragon is not safe." Varys assured her. She could smell the sea now.

"I won't lose another thing I love Lord Varys." Lya said and put Sunfyre on her shoulder. She smiled softly as the creature puffed out a cloud of smoke and hissed softly when it did not create fire.

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