LUV back butterFLIES.

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As I neared the Samuels's residence the beat of Wiz Khalifa's Black and Yellow could be heard. Turning the corner I saw cars lined up in front of homes starting from the ending of the block to their home. I sighed, searching for a parking spot.

"I can't believe these heffa's talked me into going to this party," I mumbled to myself.

I shook my head as I circled the block for a parking spot. I really hadn't planned on going to this party. I mean I know he and I have some things to talk about but I really didn't see a reason for me to go to this party. But, after telling the girls that he was back in town they persuaded me to go. Well, no they told me I had to go. They practically kicked me out of my house and told me that they would keep Rahji for the night.

After circling the block two times I finally found someone who was leaving and took their parking spot. I flicked on the lights in my car to see if I needed to fix anything. I applied just a tad bit more lip gloss and fixed a strand of hair back in its place. I grabbed my small handbag as I exiting the car. Once I stood upright from the car I fixed the little red dress that Alicia picked out for me. Finally, feeling as if I was ready to make my way towards the party I walked the short distance to the Samuel's.

I rang the doorbell once I reached the front steps. I took a deep breath waiting for the door to open. Here goes nothing, I thought. I put on a smile on my face once the door opened, "Lai, you made it." Ms. Kim said opening her arms so that we could embrace. "I'm so glad that you could make it." She said once we pulled out of the hug, "Jahbari is going to be so happy to see you." She said excitingly.

She opened the door wider for me to see a house full of guests. "Come in," she said inviting me in. She took my hand pulling me into the house that I had been in to so many times before. Looking around I noticed that not much had changed since the last time I'd been there.

She pushed through the throng of people leading me to where ever the destination or the person was. I had a gut feeling it would be towards the special man of the night, Jahbari. A tingly feeling rushed through my body as I the thought of actually seeing and talking to him after all these years.

My teeth sunk into the bottom of my lips as my hands began to get clammy in the hold of Ms. Kim's hand. As we weaved and pushed through the crowd a guy stopped us, "Auntie, Aunt Julie's asking for you." The guy said. "Said something about the food—" I checked him out a bit and noticed that he was kind of cute.

"Oh, Lord," Ms. Kim says letting go of my hand. "I've got to go. The kitchen and Julie do not mix." She says. She turns to me. "Um, if you're thirsty or hungry help yourself, baby." She said looking around us. "Jahbari is somewhere around here." She told me. I nodded my head. She walked off towards the kitchen. I thanked God for this little break. I wasn't ready to see or meet him yet.

All through the ride here, I thought about the different scenarios of how things would play out tonight. Things could either go bad or it could be good. Either way things would have to end bad because I held a secret that he had absolutely no clue about.

I looked all around me and then back to the eyes of the guy who had stopped us. He was staring at me and had on a smirk on his face. I have to admit he looked kind of cute and fine. "Andrew," he said introducing himself. He held his hands towards me. "Bari's cousin." He told me. I nodded my head and shook his hand.

"Laila," I told him.

"Would you like something to drink or eat?" He asked me.

I nodded my head, "Yes," I said smiling. "Water, please." I told him. He nodded his head and told me to stay put and he'd be back. I looked all around me nervously after he left to go get my request for a water bottle. I sighed as I stood against the wall. The disc jockey switched the fast pace music to Jazmine Sullivan's Luv Back song. And it's funny how as soon as the song came on my eyes landed on him. He was talking to a couple of guests.

I watched as he conversed with the guests and couldn't believe my eyes. My Jahbari Samuels who had left four years ago had totally grown to be a sexy delectable specimen. I licked my lips as I took in all his new features. He looked to have grown a few inches taller, and his body... was built. And his hair that I used to braid and fit with back in the day was gone. He looked so damn fine.

I bit my lips as my panties instantly became wet with my juices. Damn, I thought liking what I saw before my eyes. God has truly blessed him over the past few years. Shit, is this shit really happening right now? I asked myself. Apparently so. As I continued to watch him talk with the guests Andrew came back with my water, "Here's your water." He told me. I took the water from him thankful that I had asked for water to cool me down.

"So," He says starting off. I opened the bottle and took a sip of my water. "How do you know Bari?" he asked me.

"I-uh..." I turned around to meet his gaze. I gulped. It was a question I really didn't know how to answer. How do I explain to him that Bari was my child's father? "Jahbari and I are uh old friends." I told him honestly. "We went to the same high school. I just came by to congratulate him." I told him.

He nodded his head.

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