congratulations .

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Exiting the elevator I walked towards my front door with the bags in my arms. I stopped right in front of my door and positioned the bags in my right arm as I tried fishing for my keys in my purse with my left hand, but for some reason I couldn't find it. Fuck, I cursed in my head. Where could those keys be? I had just seen it less than three minutes ago. And I was pretty damn sure that I had put it inside my bag when I closed my trunk. So, where the fuck is it?

Man, I said starting to get agitated after a few minutes of searching my big crowded bag. Mental note to self: throw all this unnecessary shit that's in here in the garbage asap. Just as the thought occurred one of the brown bags slipped from my arms and dropped down to the ground. "Shit!" I screamed fearing that that bag contained the new box of eggs that I just bought. In the near distance I heard a door open and close.

A frown appeared on my face. Could this fucking day get any worse? I asked myself. If my eggs are in that bag and they're fucking broken I am not going back to that damn store to buy more. Shit, we'll just have to make do with no eggs this week. And Tarahji better not have fit about not being able to eat eggs with her waffles or pancakes. "Need some help," the person asked.

I shook my head as the person neared closer to me, "No, it's okay," I said continuing searching through the big hobo bag and not turning around to see who was offering assistance. "I got it," I told whoever it was.

"You sure about that?" the person said and I turned around to see that the person had been Jahbari. The frown that I wore just a few seconds ago quickly softened.

Since our date two weeks ago things have been going great between us. I don't know what it is about him that just... I just can't explain it. He's very understanding and he just knows exactly what to say to me. After much thought on his advice, I decided to enroll back to school at Dade in the spring term.

"Hey," I said greeting him. "And yeah," I said shaking my head. "I got it. I just can't find my keys in this big ass bag," I said still looking for those keys. After shuffling a few things around I finally touched it and pulled it out. Definitely throwing all this shit out today.

He bent down to pick up the grocery bag on the ground ignoring me and took the other bag in my arm from me. I unlocked my door and together we entered, "You could place them on the counter," I told him and he nodded his head.

I dropped my big purse on the couch and followed him to the kitchen and started unpacking the contents in it in the pantry and fridge. A sigh of relief came over me when I saw that the eggs were not broken, I placed them in the refrigerator and walked over towards the trash can to throw the carton away. "You look like you had a rough day today." He pointed out. I nodded my head agreeing.

"You have no idea." I told him.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked me. I shook my head no, "Okay," he said. "Oh, I got your mail while you were out." He told me. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out my mail.

I took them from him, "Thanks," I told him as I walked towards the couch where my bag was. I took off my shoes and plopped down on the couch. I scanned through the senders on the mails and saw nothing but bill after bill. Phone bill, credit card, car, light, and water.

"Where's my mini-me?" he asked me.

"Um, she's with her Goddy's tonight. She'll be back tomorrow afternoon. I forgot to tell you," I told him. He nodded his head. I flipped a few more times and then stopped at one particular letter and just frowned. It wasn't just any letter. It was an invitation that I had been waiting for for a while now.

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