luv LONGTime .

366 22 2

The disc jockey kept the music flowing, Andrew was still at my side as bodies danced all around us, alcohol were thrown back, while I still kept my eyes on the man of the night. God was he so fine, I lusted again for like the umpteenth time. I seriously couldn't help myself from admiring his body.

Mama Kim still hadn't come back to check on me since she left for kitchen duty and I still hadn't mustered up any courage to make my move towards him. I don't know why I was stalling time for. Maybe it was the fact that I still had butterflies in my stomach or because I was afraid of being rejected in front of all these peoples.

I sighed heavily as I took a sip of my water which I still hadn't finished yet, I hadn't been with a guy in like—well since we separated. When he left I just didn't think about dating. I was preoccupied with Rahji. I made raising Tarahji my number one priority and after getting hurt I just didn't know if I could trust a man ever again. So, I didn't date.

"So, would you like to dance?" Andrew asked a half hour later.

I turned my face to look at him. I smiled and stifled a laugh, "Yes," I said nodding my head. It had taken him entirely thirty minutes to finally ask me to dance. But, then again I could see why he would ask me to dance. I mean really he was talking to a brick wall because my attention was drawn to Jahbari.

He took my hand as we dance to the current song that disc jockey had on. As we dance I couldn't help but laugh at the site before me. It was a great distraction from Jahbari I had to say and I he most definitely got my attention now. He couldn't dance worth a dime. He kept doing some of Carlton's move from off of the Fresh Prince from Bel Air. As the music died out and the disc jockey changed the song to another familiar song by Jazmine Sullivan he turned the volume down a notch.

"Yo, yo, yo." The disc jockey said trying to get everyone's attention. "Can I get everyone's attention?" he asked the crowd. Everyone who was chatting stopped and those who were dancing stopped as well and looked up at the booth where his equipment was and besides him stood Jahbari. "Thank you." He said. "Latoya, can you please come up to the booth, please?"

A few excuse me came from a girl whom I assumed to be Latoya as she passed through the crowd. She pushed passed me and said excuse me as she made her way towards where the DJ and Bari stood. She's was pretty. She had long black flowing hair, round face, skinny, and red. When she finally made it towards the front I saw the smile present on Bari's face as he bended down on one knee in front of her and held her hands.

"That's my boy!" Andrew shouted. I batted my eyelashes ignoring Andrew's outburst encouraging for him. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was getting ready to propose to her.

I looked on just like everyone else, "Baby," he said smiling. "I love you." He said with a shaky voice. "We've been through quite a bumpy road these last few years and I thank you for being there by my side." I batted my misty eyelashes.

What about what I've been through? I thought as a scowl appeared on my face. What about me, huh? Your ass was not by my side as I went to pure agonizing pain to deliver your baby. Your ass was nowhere when I had to take many trips to the hospital because of ear infections. You weren't by my side while I raised our baby alone, my eyebrows furrowed with anger.Your ass wasn't there to hear my cries every night nor were you there when my family disowned me and kicked me out, I thought getting angrier by the second. You weren't there while I had trouble paying the bills and keeping food on the mutherfucking damn table for the both of us.

"Will you do me the honor of being my best friend, confident, wife, and the mother of my beautiful children?" he asked her. I watched as her tears ran down her cheeks at the same time as mines. Both for different reasons; she was getting the man and I was getting nothing but heartache.

"Isn't this beautiful?" Andrew asked me. I couldn't stay and watch this shit any longer. Nor did I want to hear her say yes to the man who was supposed to be mines. "Ain't nothing like seeing two people—" he said but I started moving from him."Hey," he called after me. "Where are you going?" I didn't turn back around to answer him just continued to push pass through the people for the nearest exit.

Once making the exit, I ran towards my car. I soon as I got to the car and got in the tears ran down my face rampantly. I hit the steering wheel having a complete nervous breakdown. How could he just move on with his damn life so fucking easily and not remember about us—me? I asked repeatedly. How could he propose to her instead of me?

I should have never come to this damn party. I should have never listened to those two bitches about coming. I should've just stayed my ass home and snuggled up with my baby and watch a damn movie or Dora that way I wouldn't have gotten so hurt. I wouldn't have had to suffer watching him propose to another girl asking her if he'd be his wife and the mother of his child. I sniffled.

I guess that's one thing I'd have one up on her, I thought. I have his firstborn.

After crying my eyes out for ten minutes, the tears stopped flowing and I realized something. It wasn't his damn fault. It was mines. I brought all of those things upon myself. I hadn't spoken up when I had the chance so I was stuck with the circumstances that I have. I had helped him in the process in making his life easy.

He didn't have to give up his dreams... but I did.

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