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"Girl, I'm telling you his ass is so damn fine and cute." Alicia says. "I want me some of that white chocolate." She says nodding her head and we all burst out laughing at her. The girls and I were sitting around in my living room having our usual girl meeting catching up on each other's lives.

"Girl, you ain't lying," Miranda says. "I've seen Mr. Fine Jeremy myself and he does look good enough to eat." She said cosigning with Ali. "But, heh, you might want to jump on him now because if you don't..." she paused. "You might have to fight me," she said.

"Mimi, you better sit your ass down," she said tapping Mimi on the shoulder. "You ain't getting anywhere close to my man," she said. "He's mines," she said claiming her boss Jeremy Cruise. "And besides he don't want your ass anyways."

"How you know?" Mimi asked. "You think he likes your scrawny looking ass." She says. "You see this," Mimi says grabbing her backside and rubbing her thighs, "This is what he needs and wants, not that dry shit on your bones," she says.

"Look here..." I laugh at the two of them as they bickered about a man that has no type of desire for those two. The man isn't even looking in their direction.

"What you laughing at?" Miranda finally says after she has stopped arguing with Ali. "You thought I forgot about you, huh?" she asked me. "Ali, let me tell you about your girl over there," she said winking at me and I rolled my eyes and got up from where I was sitting to get some more popcorn. I knew exactly what she was about to tell Alicia. She was going to tell her what happened that day when I called her.

"What now?" Alicia says while I'm in the kitchen.

"How about this trick calls me up at work," she says referring to me. "Crying and screaming into my earpiece talking 'bout how she had a breakfast date with Mr. Jahbari himself." I heard her tell Alicia and heard Alicia gasps. "And—"

"It was not a breakfast date." I interjected still in the kitchen, "It was just breakfast not a date." I told her.

"Whatever," Mimi says.

"Please tell me," she says to me as soon as I enter the room again, "That you told him about Rahji?" she asked me. I shook my head no. She sighed and shook her head. "I ain't even gon waste my breathe." She says. "You're a grown ass woman and you know what to do." She tells me. Thank you, I thought. I really didn't need to hear another more lectures about what I should do. When I'm ready, I'll tell him about her. But, until then she won't be brought up.

"Anyways, let's just say that—"

"No, Mimi," I say interjecting her twice in a matter of one minute. "Let me tell her the story." I say. She nodded her head cool, "So, I was—"

"Wait, wait, wait a damn minute." She says putting her hands up to stop me. "Am I missing something?" Ali asks. "How in the world did you meet up with him?"

"Well, I listened to you fools of course," I said rolling my eyes at the both of them, "Let me just start with the party scene first," I said sarcastically, "I went to that damn party and found out that he had already moved on with his damn life." I told her. She nodded her head unmoved by what I just said. "He dropped down to one knee and proposed to her and I went running," I told her honestly. "Then to find out weeks later that we were now neighbors," I told her giving her a short story.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that he lives in the same building as you?" she asks me. I nodded my head up and down.

"He lives a couple of doors down," Mimi says.

Alicia stands up, "Oh really?" she asks walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Mimi asks her.

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