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"Penny for your thoughts," I heard him say.

I snapped out of my thoughts, "Huh?" I asked confused. There I was lying in my lover's arms on his bed after we've just made passionate love to each other.

"I said a penny for your thoughts. You've been silent ever since you've got here." He informed me. "You hadn't even moaned not once when we were making love." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "What's on your mind?" he asked me. Jahbari.

"My husband," I honestly told him. He sighed and started to get up from under me. He hated whenever I brought up Jahbari into our time together. It angered Tyrell when he found out that I was engaged to wed. He so badly wanted to be the one to make me smile and put a huge diamond rock on my hand— remember that whole episode when I was trying to front in front of Sidney and Craig about my wedding plans and my ring...well let's just say I didn't trade in that ring really.

I mean I could've traded that ring in if I really wanted to, but I decided to keep that ring. Instead, Tyrell bought me the current engagement ring that I have now, after he saw the little cheap ass ring that Jahbari brought me and after I bitched and moaned about it, he took my ass to the nearest and most expensive jewelry store and bought me one to my liking—the one that was the most expensive one in the entire store.

Damn, that brother loved him some Latoya alright. I could make him do anything for me.

"Ty," I said calling out his name. "I don't mean to bring him up, but you asked me what was on my mind."

"Yeah, but you know better," he said turning around to look at me, "than to bring him up." He told me.

I sighed, "I know," I said. "I'm sorry I can't enjoy the little time that we have with each other. I'm just worried about his ex-girlfriend." I told him.

"Why are you worried about her?" he asked me.

"Because I fear that he still have some kind of feelings for her, and that she's out to get him from me." I told him honestly.

He stared at me, "Look, as much I can't stand you wanting to be with him and wanting to marry him... I don't think you have anything to worry about. And as much as I should be trying to do everything in my power to stop you two from marrying—"

"And you won't." I said sitting up in his bed. "You're not going to ruin my plans to marry him. I love him and we're going to get married." I told him.

He nodded his head, "I know," he told me. "Which is why I'm not going to do that," He informed me. I felt relieved just a little knowing that he was not going to try to sabotage my dreams. "I'll still be your 'do man' and give you money for whatever you need. I know his sorry ass ain't got shit to his name." He said smiling. I smiled just a little bit. "But, if you want him to stay with you you need to set her up on a date with a guy and—"

"She's already found interest in a guy." I told him. "Jay's cousin." I informed him.

He nodded his head, "Set them up." He suggested. I looked at him for a minute. It didn't sound like a bad idea. I mean I really wanted those two to be together. The only thing is I don't know if they've already hooked up already. It wouldn't hurt to ask.

"You know that's a good idea. We could go on a double date and—" Before I could finish the sentence Tyrell had his lips on mines, his hands traveling down south making me moan. It was his way of telling me to shut up. I moaned even more as the kiss deepened and we went back for round two. Only this time all my attention would be on him, and enjoying the offered good sex that was given to me.

An hour later, I was standing at his door kissing him on his lips. I moaned and in the near distance I heard a door open and close and heels click clacking past us in the hall. "I wish I could stay." I said against his lips as I pecked it.

"Then, stay," he said trying to persuade me. I chuckled. We went through this almost every time I came here and I had to leave. I'd say 'I wish I could stay' and he'd try to persuade me to stay.

"I can't." I said. "I have to get back to him." I told him. He sighed.

He never liked me leaving after we had passionate sex with each other. He always wanted me to stay the night, so we could talk and cuddle. But, even though I didn't officially live with Jahbari just yet, I always left after our sessions making up some excuse about how I had to make it home to Jay. Reason being why I left is because I didn't want Jay to ever pop up over at my parents home and I wasn't there.

"Alright," he said leaning down on my lips to give me a final kiss goodbye. I heard the ding on the elevators door and smiled. Great the elevator stopped on his floor right on time.

"I'll call you later." I told him. He nodded his head.

I ran towards the elevators door as the person entered into it and called out to the person, "Excuse me. Can you hold the elevator for me please?" I asked politely. The person held the elevator door for me and I got in just in time as the elevator doors closed behind me. I took a deep breath and looked at the buttons to press G for garage, and learned that the person that had been holding the elevator for me was headed there also.

"Thank you," I said.

I heard female laugh and looked in the persons direction and couldn't believe my eyes, it was Laila. I gulped. I couldn't believe it. Laila and I were on the same elevator alone. Shit, shit, shit! I cursed underneath my breath. It's okay. It's okay. Try to act cool. I She watched as she shook her head and took out her phone and started playing around on it. I swear this shitty ass elevator ride has gotten to be the longest and worst ride I have ever been on.

No words were shared between us two. She remained occupied on her phone leaving only the sound of her tapping away on her phone, and the ringtone of whoever she was probably texting to. I looked everywhere in the elevator except at her. The shit was awkward as hell. I didn't know how to react or what to say. I was freaking out! What was I suppose to say? Shit, this shit. It really caught me off guard. She was not suppose to know about my little situation. Oh, what am I saying this shit is big now. She knew.

I knew this wasn't a joking matter, where I could crack jokes about the situation. And I don't know what possessed me to think that she'd open her mouth to tell me that I had nothing to worry about. That she was going to keep this moment between her and me. Nope. She kept her mouth close and focused all her attention on her damn phone.

When the elevator dinged I watched as she slowly exited out of the elevator and I slowly exited also. I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I had been holding in the first place.

I walked over towards my car and got in. To say that I wasn't shook was an understatement. I was now terrified. I didn't know what to think or expect. Did she really see me kiss Tyrell? Was she going to tell Jahbari? Was she going to take my man? Should I tell Jahbari? Should I break off things with Tyrell? I didn't know how to answer those questions. She held the upper power at the moment. She had a choice to burst my bubble and tell him. But, I knew I couldn't let that happen.

It was only one way to find out... to confront her.

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THE LOVECHILD Ft.Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now