the hushHUSH .

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the hushHUSH .

I sat against my headboard in my bedroom just staring off into space. My husband lies next to me trying to get a couple of hours of sleep in before he had to go off to work in the morning. I sighed as I thought about what has been on my mind for the last couple of weeks, Laila and Tarahji.

It felt like no matter what I did throughout my day, I'd always managed to have it on my mind. It was there when I lay to close my eyes to go to sleep. And it was the first thing aside from God, I'd think about when waking up. I just could not shake the thought of the both of them. And it's been a real battle, because I've been wrestling with the idea about telling both my son and my husband about this beautiful little girl that I discovered.

I sighed thinking about how that little girl was so adorable. I shifted on the bed thinking of her features. She had so many features on her that made her look just like Jahbari, and I have no doubt in my mind that she's his. She's my granddaughter.And then there were some strong features that made her look like Laila.

I must admit, that it bothered me that Laila would hide that child from me—us. If she had been in any trouble why hadn't she said anything to us. Why couldn't she come to us so that we could deal with it? Sure, we would've been angry but we would've worked around it. And besides I did try to make contact with her. She just ignored my calls. I can only imagine how painful and stressful it must have been for her.

And what kills me the most is that she didn't even introduce the little girl to me as her child. She just said the little girls name. I know she was surprised to see me and well maybe she doesn't think that it was probably the appropriate time to tell me I can understand. But, I wonder if she'll ever get around to tell us about her; if she'll ever come by to finally tell us that Tarahji is apart of our lovely family.

I sighed once again and shifting on the bed, I'm sure the chance may be ruined because that knuckle head ruined it by proposing to that stupid floss, I thought getting angry. "Kimberly," I heard my husband stir in the bed. "Won't you stopped sighing in moving on this damn bed." He said. "I need to get me some rest." He told me.

I sighed, "I'm sorry baby." I told him. I stopped moving on the bed and I shifted my gaze down to him. I bit my bottom lips sorry that I was about to once again interrupt him, "Lee," I called unto him. "Lee," I called unto him again when I didn't get an answer.

"Hmm," I heard him grunting.

"Leroy," I said again and this time his eyes shot open looking me dead in my eyes. I knew that he was angry because it was one thing that you don't mess with with my husband is his sleep. Never disturb his sleep unless it's an emergency, if he's running late for something, or to get it on with him. His features hardened as he glared at me.

"What is it woman?!" he asked me. "What do you want?"

I sighed, "Baby, I'm sorry," I told him. "But, there's something I need to tell you."

"Well, can it wait until morning?" he asked me.

I shook my head no, "No, Lee, it can't wait until morning." I replied.

"Well, what is it then and it better be damn well important for you to be disturbing my sleep." He told me. I stared at him not sure how to tell him. He looked at me waiting for me to tell what was on my mind, the reason why I had woke him up from his slumber.

"Well, remember when I told you I saw Laila at Walmart a few weeks ago," I said starting off. He just stared at me and blinked his eyes. I knew that when he did that he was either trying to say continue with what you have to say or not this again. "Well she wasn't by herself that day. She was holding this beautiful little girl that was just so adorable. She looked to be four or three, had curly hair, big brown eyes and and—" I smiled happy providing the perfect description of the little girl.

"Kimberly," he said stopping me from rambling on. I looked at him, "You're point?" he asked me shaking his head.

The sadness returned in my eyes, "The point is that that little girl that I saw on Laila's hip might be our granddaughter." I told him.

He yawned, "Kim, baby, that little girl could be someone else's—"

"No, Lee," I said stopping him. Because I knew that he was dead set wrong. "That little girl looked just like Jahbari but in female version of him." I told him. "If you would've seen that little girl you would have instantly recognize that she was a Samuels. And plus you know Laila wouldn't have ever cheated on Jahbari liked that. Those two loved each other so much. I could never place her under the title as the cheating type. "

He stared at me, "Babe," he says. "I believe you. If you say that she's a Samuels, I believe you." He told me. "But, I mean really, you have to think... if she was pregnant why didn't she come to us?" he asked me. "I can't help to think that way. If she's ours why not tell us?"

"I've been asking that same exact question for weeks." I shook my head. "I don't know, baby." I told him. "But, I sure hope that she does tell us about her soon. I would love to be apart of my grandbabies life." I said as tears started to come out of the corners of my eyes. "I would hate for her to grow up and I'm not there to help her see that we love her." I told him. "We've already missed four of the most precious years of her life. I don't want to miss anymore." I shook my head. "And if she doesn't say anything then I'll—"

"Baby, does Jay knows about her?" he asked me.

I shook my head no, "No, I figured that he should find out on his own. And besides I want her to be the one to tell us first about Tarahji."

"Is that her name, Tarahji?" he asked me.

I nodded my head, "Yes," I replied. I wiped the tears that were rolling down my cheeks with the tissue that I had next to my bed. "Her name is Tarahji." I told him. For a long moment we just stared at each other in silence. "It's hard not to tell him about her Leroy." I said shaking my head. "I really want to tell him about her but I really want her to do it. It's not in our place to tell him it's hers. And I sure hope she does tell him about her." I tell him.

He nods his head agreeing with me.

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