clearing the air .

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As soon as 3PM rolled around on Tuesday afternoon, I quickly packed up my belongings into my briefcase, and shut down my computer. After waving goodbye to a few employees, talking to a few of them I headed towards my car. I dropped my briefcase in the back seat and unloosened my tie taking it off. Starting the car I pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards Toya's new condo complex. She texted me the address during my lunch break and gave me a brief direction of how to get there.

Parking in front of the building, I pulled out my cell calling her. "I'm here," I told her. "Do you want me to come up or are you fine coming down by yourself?" I asked her.

"It's okay," she told me. "I'll come down and meet you," I nodded my head and hung up. I got out of the car once I seen her walk up to the glass door. She pushed the door open and stepped out into the Miami heat. I walked around the car, and said hello to her as I opened the passenger side for her. "I don't get a hug, kiss on the cheek or anything?" she asked.

I looked at her for a few seconds like she was crazy. She had about ten seconds to get in this damn car before I leave her ass. Then she'd really be going to this doctor's appointment by herself. "Hello is fine," I told her. She nodded her head and got in the car. I closed the door behind her when she buckled her seat belt; I made my way back around the car to my side and getting in.

Pulling off from my parking space and out into the streets, she gave me directions on how to get to her doctor's office. At a stop light I thought about the conversation that I had had with Laila about this appointment. When I told her that Toya had invited me to her doctor's appointment she had asked me why her fiancé or close friend couldn't go with her. I really couldn't give her a real answer. I felt like a duck when I said that she had wanted to go with me instead.

She had stared at me for a few seconds before putting her head down shaking her head. "Okay," she said. "You're a grown man. You don't need my permission to go anywhere." She told me. "This may be very well your child. I robbed you of being around during my pregnancy with Tarahji." She shook her head and I saw her eyes misted but she didn't let the tears fall. "And though you've missed half of her pregnancy... I want you to still witness hers." She told me. "I want you to go. I'll pick up Tarahji on Tuesday."

I had watched her for a few minutes seeing for any objections. But, there wasn't any. She was serious. She really wanted me to go. I nodded my head, "Okay." I said sighing. "I'll pick up Tee on Wednesday, though." I said trying to make-up for the day that I wasn't going to be able pick her up. She nodded her head and that was the last of that conversation and that was Sunday afternoon.

I searched around the plaza for a vacant parking spot. Spotting one near the entrance I pressed the gas pedal just a little bit to get to it before anybody else could get to it. "Can you help me get out of the car please?" she asked me once I was parked into the parking space. I nodded my head sure. I got out of the car walked around to her side to help her out of the car. She placed her hand in my palm and slowly placed her foot out on the concrete and got out of the car.

I closed the door behind her and we walked towards the entrance. Opening the door for her she walked ahead of me and straight towards the receptionist desk. She gave the receptionist her information while I took the time to look around the place. The room was filled with pregnant women with their significant others and relatives, and women with newborns coming for a following check-up. There were posters on the walls with expecting mothers, women with newborns, and some had important information on them.

Together Latoya and I walked over to two vacant seats in the room. Latoya being so comfortable with the whole scenery, she pulled out a baby's magazine and started flipping through it, while I continued to browse the room. There was a stand that had a few brochures and baby magazines. The nurses in the office called out to expecting mothers to follow them. We sat in silence for twenty minutes before a nurse came out and called Toya's name.

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