Talk First

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Jahbari Pov

My body lied comfortably on the couch, as I toyed with the apps on my phone and texted my boy Trey, about some party that was being thrown a few days from now. After, I sent Trey a text, my mind drifted back to Laila. I threw the phone on the couch next to me. I found it very strange that of all the places I could've chosen to live, I chose here. The same condominium building that she was living in. And not only that, she was living down the hall.

I knew she recognized who I was, why else wouldn't she have introduced herself? And besides she had seen me almost two weeks ago at my own party. But, the thing I couldn't understand was why she hadn't said anything? If she knew who I was, why she didn't just say something? I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head at the thought. And another thing I don't get is why my mother is so set crazy about her? I sighed and snapped out of my reverie when I heard the rapping of the door.

I stood up from my comfortable spot on the door and headed towards the door. I looked into the peephole to see that it was my sexy ass fiancée at the door. I placed a smile on my face as I opened the door for her. She walked passed me and into the cluttered living room. I hadn't had any chance to really unpack, well not really, I just felt lazy about unpacking. I looked at the spot that she had been standing at before I opened the door to where she was now, in the kitchen. I had not been expecting that.

"Baby, oh my gosh," she started. "I found the perfect location for the wedding ceremony." She said sounding really happy. She grabbed herself a cup from the cupboard and poured some apple juice. I was still standing by the opened door, whatever happened to giving your man some love when you see him? I asked myself. "It is absolutely beautiful it's a garden and it—"

I walked into the kitchen, "Can I get a kiss please?" I asked her. "I mean you come in here real happy but are you not happy to see your man too?" I asked. I was now standing in front of her as she leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Anyways, like I was saying," she said resuming her thought before I interrupted her. "It is so beautiful." She told me. I sat down at one of the stools in the kitchen as she talked. I was a little surprised at how she was already talking about a location to hold our wedding ceremony. I mean we hadn't even set a date when we were to get married. Even if we did plan on it I wasn't too sure that we'd be getting married so soon.

"And I stopped at a bridal store and I sat down with a designer so that we—" I raised my hands up to stop her. I chuckled. I really understood that she was excited about getting married, but man she needed to slow down. I mean she can't be planning a damn wedding without us talking first. And shit, especially if I was paying half of everything for our wedding. I wanted to have my two cents too. That's why it's weinstead of me.

"Baby," I said cutting her off. "You can't go on planning our wedding without us talking first." I told her. "I mean, we haven't even set the date yet for our wedding and you talking about dresses and locations," I told her. "We just need to talk about some stuff before we go on ahead and go through with the wedding plans." She nodded her head okay and pulled a stool to sit down next to me.

"Okay," she said. "You're right," she agreed with me. I nodded my head and took a sip of her drink. "We do need to talk about some things. And I'm going to start off by saying that this place..." she said looking around my new condo. "Will not be our home for long." She told me. "Temporary." I nodded my head agreeing with the point that she mentioned. This place would not be our permanent residence. However, it will be for a short period of time until we can get more money coming in and we could afford the big ass dream house she really wants.

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