answers; I want 'em all .

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I stepped out of the shower feeling somewhat refreshed after the workout I did earlier. I wrapped the beige towel around my torso and walked out of the bathroom into my room towards my drawers to get a clean pair of boxers, when I heard my doorbell chimed. I grabbed a short jean pants that was lying around and put them on and made my way towards my front door to see who it was.

"I'm coming," I shouted once I was near the door. Two days had passed since I dumped Latoya. I hadn't seen any signs of both Toya and Laila. Toya, I could care less where her cheating ass is. She was probably somewhere with her lover, I shook my head. Laila... I knew without a doubt that she was trying to avoid me. That was her fucking specialty. If it's one thing she knew how to do best...was to run and hide, so there was no surprise there.

But no worries I was planning on seeing my baby girl soon to see if she was alright. And then maybe perhaps Laila can explain to me why I had missed four of her precious years of her life. And maybe, just maybe if she wants to we can meet somehow in the middle to figuring out certain things dealing with Tarahji. Like discussing money matters, sleeping arrangements, talking about the situation to my baby, etc. But if she refused to cooperate than I will have no other choice but to take her to court. Shit, I will fight for my daughter. Let the fucking games begin.

And as for my love for her... it never died. But, as far as trust goes... she lost all trust and respect from me. I thought I'd never see the day she would ever lie or keep a secret from me. I thought the world of her. I thought she would always come to me for anything, anything that was troubling her. But for her to have kept that secret from me... that's where all my loyalty to her ended. I wanted nothing to do with her. All I wanted from her was for her to take good care of my daughter, respect for our situation, for her to cooperate and for her to just tell me the truth. That's all I wanted from her.

Once I reached my door, I looked into the peephole to see who it was. It was Laila. Speaking of Ms. I-can't-talk-to-you-right-now. I took a deep breath and licking my lips in the process as I opened the door. She better have come over to tell me what I want to hear. No more bullshitting around. When I opened the door she just stared at me, didn't say a word.

I looked her over and saw that her eyes were a bit puffy and red; she was wearing black sweats, and her fluffy house slippers. "Are you gon' just stand there and not say anything?" I asked her. She blinked her eyes a few times. I felt the remaining water that was on my body roll down my chest.

"Hi," she said softly. I didn't say anything. She cleared her throat, "Um, can I come in?" she asked me. I slowly moved to the side. She walked into my place and I closed the door after her. She headed towards my living room and I followed close behind. When she reached my living room she stood in the middle of the room, she didn't sit. She began to wipe her sweaty palms on her sweat pants. She was nervous, I could tell. "Um, there's some things I...we need to talk about." She said.

I nodded my head, this was it. She was finally ready to talk to me. "Let me go and put on a shirt or something then we can talk." I told her. She nodded her head and I exited the room and disappeared into my room to change into the boxers, b-ball shorts, and a v-neck t-shirt. When I came back into the room she was standing in front of our prom picture. She picked it up and stared at it.

I sat down on one of my couch as she continued to look at the picture completely unaware that I was back. I cleared my throat to make my presence to be known, she turned around and placed the picture back in its spot and walked to the couch which was opposite from me. "How is she?" I asked her.

"She's okay." She informed me. "She just hurt her arm and has got to wear a cast for a few weeks." She started laughing. "And she hates it. She whines every five minutes claiming that she can't do what she really wants to do. But, she loves me babying her." I smiled.

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