She's just a friend .

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"I really do love Ms. Kim." I told him nodding my head. "And I'm glad she thought you manners about how to treat women... but it's quite obvious that you missed the lesson on how to break up with a lady properly." With those words said I made my exit out of the restaurant furious.

I punched in the first ten digits that came into mind on my cell phone. The phone ringed as I waited impatiently for her to pick up. Come on, come on, pick up the damn phone! She finally picked up the phone seconds later, "Hello, Miranda speaking—" I cut her off not giving her time to finish her sentence.

"I shouldn't have ever agreed to have breakfast with ass!" I yelled into phone. "He was giving me all these stupid—" I was in my car now angry at the conversation that had just taken place less than two minutes ago.

"Wait, wait, hold up," Miranda said cutting me off. "You're stumbling over your words and I can't understand what you're trying to say." She said calmly into the phone. "Take a deep breath and tell me what's going on." She told me. "Is there something wrong with Tarahji?" she asked concerned. This was why I liked Miranda; she was always calm and caring. She knew how to get to the bottom of things without pressuring me, and she gives the bomb ass advices too. Alicia, however, was a different case.

"NO!" I yelled into the phone, "I mean, no, sorry." I apologized. I sighed taking heed of her advice. "Nothing is wrong with Rahji," I told her. I started to get angry all over again. "It's more like her father that's the problem." I finally told her the reason of my call. "Ooo," I said bawling my fist. I really wanted to punch him right now. "I don't know why I ever agreed to go out with him to breakfast." I told her. "Shit, was a big ass mistake."

"Wait," Miranda said, "You guys went out for breakfast? Does that mean that—"

"NO!" I yelled into the phone again, "There is no-absolutely-fucking-way that we're ever going to get back together." I huffed into the phone. "Fuck," I cursed underneath my breath. At that very moment, I realized that she didn't know about the party scene. I've been purposely avoiding both hers and Alicia's calls lately, because had they not pushed me into going to that stupid party, I wouldn't have ever known that he was planning to propose to that bitch he was cheating on me with.

"The party that Ms. Kim invited me to turned out to be a big ass surprise for me, instead of him." I told her. I knew she was waiting for me to tell her how so. "Jahbari proposed to some bitch at his party." I finally told her.

I didn't hear any movement on her end, but I did hear her gasp, "Are you serious?" she asked me. "Why didn't you call us?" she asked me. "We've been calling you—"

"Shit, was so hard to take." I told her totally ignoring the statement that she was about to make. I knew she was trying to call me. "He was looking so good in his suit that night—"

"Lai, you know it's not me to rush, but I'mma need for you to speed it up." She told me. "Did you at least talk to him?" she asked me.

I frowned, "No," I said quietly. "That whole night, I just stood in the corner talking to his cousin. Instead of going over to him and telling him what's up or that I was there, I watched him." I shook my head. "Shit, if maybe if he hadn't proposed to her I would've gone up to him to say something." I told her. "But, that shit hurt." I paused. "I was so pissed, embarrassed—that I just ran out of there. I couldn't stand there and watch him propose to her."

"Lai, I understand how you feel and all. Yeah, I know it was hard to watch but you still should've said something to him." She told me. I didn't respond to her because she was right. But, I was hurt. What's a girl to do when her feelings are hurt? Run. That's the first thing that came natural to me at that moment. "Be honest, Lai." She said. "Would you have gone up to him and say anything if he hadn't propose?"

THE LOVECHILD Ft.Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now