the Birds && the Bee's .

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I pulled up in front of my parent's driveway and parked. I had drove around my childhood neighborhood and drove passed my parents house for about five minutes before finally deciding to park the car. The conversation that I had with Laila almost an hour ago was still fresh on my mind. I cut the engine off, unbuckled my seat belt and reclined my seat back as I just sat in the car just thinking.

I really don't know what to think right now. I couldn't really understand why she was so scared to tell me that she was pregnant. And then to top it off after all that shit her parents made her go through... why couldn't she go to my mother? My mother loved her like a daughter—heck treated her like she really was. My whole family did too. They all loved her. So, why couldn't she just come to us? We'd accept her with open arms.

I took a deep breath. It really didn't matter anymore. All that mattered now was that we were both raising our daughter together and I was definitely going to be there for my baby girl until my candle died. From the corners of my eyes I saw movement in the near distance upstairs. It was in my mother's room, and yeah it was my mother who was peeking out the window. I chuckled and once again took a deep breath before opening the door of my car and taking my keys out of the ignition, because I knew she was going to question me about sitting out in the driveway. And I was sure that if I didn't get out of the car soon she was going to have to send my father out to come and get me.

It sure was going to be real interesting on how I was going to tell her and how she was going to react. Hopefully she wouldn't be too mad since she was for Laila judging by the beat down she gave me a month ago. But, then again, we'll see when she finds out that Laila had my shorty. She just might be singing a different tune and just might be giving me a second beat down.

I got out of the car and walked towards the front door. I put my old house keys into the lock and then thought different remembering how my mother wasn't talking to me. I was about to ring the doorbell when my father opened the door. He smiled, "Hey, son," I smiled shaking my old man's hands and then hugging him. "It's been a while." He said reminding me.

I nodded my head pulling back from the embrace, "Yeah, tell me about it." I said agreeing. I bit my tongue from saying 'yeah, we both know why I've been staying away'. He stepped aside to let me in and I did. I entered and walked to the family room. "Is mom home?" I asked even though I already knew the question to it.

He nodded his head, "Yeah, she's upstairs." He confirmed. "She's the one that told me to go out and get you since you were out in the driveway."

We both chuckled, "Well, I need to talk to the both of you." I told him.

He nodded his head again, "Kimberly, baby!" my father called out to my mother upstairs in their master bedroom. I heard her yelling back a 'what' shortly afterwards. "He's in now. You can come down now." He informed her. "Said he wanted to talk to the both of us about something," I didn't hear her say anything after that. I walked towards the couch in the living room and sat down. My old man sat across from me.

"So, how are things going down at the shop?" I asked trying to make conversation and because I really cared about what was happening in his life at this present moment. He nodded his head.

"The shop is doing really well," He told me. "Things couldn't be any better." He went on to telling me about some of the things that they improved at the Barbershop that he co-owned. We both stopped talking once we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. We both turned around when my mother's appearance appeared in the entrance of the living room. She made her way over to us on the couch.

She smiled at me when she stood in front of me and opened her arms for me to hug her. And I promised you that shit really confused and scared me because the last time I saw her she was beating me down because she was mad that I proposed to Latoya. I didn't know if I should hug her or not. I looked at my father and he nodded his head of approval. I hugged her and we sat down.

THE LOVECHILD Ft.Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now