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"Can you hold that for me, please?" I said to whomever it was that had just got into the elevator. I sighed a thank you when the person held the door for us. Together Tarahji and I power walked towards the opened doors. Damnit I couldn't believe I overslept this morning. If it wasn't for Tarahji coming into my room, jumping up and down on my bed and asking if she was going to school this morning, I would probably still be in bed still asleep.

Rahji and I entered the elevator and the doors closed behind us. I looked down at my phone to see what time is it. "Thank you," I said to the person. We were an hour late, which meant that she had already missed breakfast at school and circle time was just about to be over. Shit, she loved circle time. I took a deep breath once again. "One, please," I told the person.

The person who was behind me cleared their throat, "Good morning," I heard a familiar voice say afterwards. My head shot up and my eyes instantly widened in shock at the voice. No fucking way? I looked in the voices direction to see that it was Jahbari standing next to us in the elevator. I looked from him to the little hand that I was holding. Awe, shit, shit, shit. Why is this shit happening to me? Why is this happening today? And why is it that all the crazy shit always happens in a damn elevator? First it was his damn fiancé kissing on some random dude—which by the way I still haven't told him about. And honestly, I don't really care to tell him even though it was wrong of me not too, but I mean come on it's their business. I'm not about to get into that shit—and now this shit happens?

I mean I've tried my damn hardest to try to make sure that this very same shit never happened. And wouldn't you believe it, when I fucking least expect it, it's happening. I always left early to drop her off to school or she always stayed the night at my brothers or Mimi or Ali's to avoid this kind of stuff. But, this is the stuff that's happening now... all because I overslept.

"And who is this cutie pie we have here?" he asked looking down at Tarahji who was trying to hide behind my legs. Shit, think of something.

"Um," I said shaking my head and my eyes blinking rapidly. How was I going to explain who she is? "...Tarahji." I told him. "She's my-my..." I stumbled with my words. "Goddaughter," I said lying and biting on my lips nervously.

"No, unh. You're my mom—" the little girl started to say as she came from behind my legs, but I quickly placed my hands over her mouth. Shit, this little girl is about to get my ass in trouble. I chuckled nervously trying to cover up.

"Hmm, she likes to call me mommy sometimes." I told him nervously, hopping that he'd believe my lie. He nodded his head and looked down at my little girl.

"You're cute." He told her.

"I'm not cute. I'm beautiful." Tarahji told him making him laugh and I laugh nervously afterwards. She was now getting out of her shell, starting to get comfortable around him.

"Yes you are." He told her. "Well, I'm Mr. Jahbari. I live across the hall from your God mommy," He informed the little girl.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Jahbari," Tarahji said lending her hand out so that those two could shake hands.

He chuckled. I watched as the two of them interacted with each other. It was so cute that I almost wanted to cry. This moment was almost exactly how I had pictured those two to react to one another—well maybe not meeting in an elevator. But, I pictured how those two would take up liking of each other.... joking around and laughing, smiling, and hugging. But, the thing that broke my heart the most watching them both... is that those two were meeting for the very first time and they both had no idea that they were actually father and daughter.

It broke my heart. I wanted to reach out to Tarahji and say, "This is your father." And I wanted so badly to say, "I'm sorry," to Jahbari. Sorry for keeping his daughter away from him. But, I didn't. I just stood there watching as those two talked and laughed.

"Nice to meet you also," He told the little girl. "I hope to see you around sometime." he said once the elevator stopped on the first floor. Together we all exited out of the elevator. "Oh," he said once we were about to walk out of the building. Shit, that was close, I thought feeling a little bit relieve but sad. "Latoya wanted to have some kind of double date, with you and Drew." He told me.

I raised my eyebrows surprised, "She wants to have dinner with us and you're okay with that?" I asked him sarcastically. I chuckled. I couldn't believe this heifer. She was only out to save her ass.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Look, if you don't want to... I'm cool with it. You already know where I stand with you dating my cousin." He told me.

I nodded my head, "I'll let you know." I told him.

He nodded his head and walked in the direction of his car, me vice versa. It could only be two main reasons why she wants to have dinner with me and Andrew. One: she was trying to set me and Andrew up, because she didn't want me around to mess up her relationship. And two: because she was trying to be nice because she didn't want me to tell Jahbari about what I saw. All I know is that she better not step up to me with that bullshit because I will expose her ass.

I buckled Rahji in her seat and walked towards the driver's side and got in and headed towards the nearest McDonald to get breakfast for us both. "Do you like Mr. Jahbari?" I asked Tarahji as we sat across from one another at McDonald eating our breakfast.

She nodded head she placed a hash brown in her mouth, "Yes," she told me. "He's super nice and he's soooo cute," she said causing me to laugh. I nodded my head.

THE LOVECHILD Ft.Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now