Hypothetically Speaking

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I had just fallen asleep when loud knocks coming from my condo's door awoken me up from my slumber. I grunted an what now feeling annoyed that I had been interrupted from my sweet sleep. Who could that fucking be? I asked myself. I mean I couldn't understand why I had the house to myself—because Tarahji was spending the night at Aeryn's house for another one of those sleep over's— and this person couldn't let me enjoy some sleep without being interrupted.

Tell me, is it too much to ask for? For some peace, quiet and some sleep?

I sighed, slowly kicking my legs over my bed one by one and exiting my room to go and open the door for whomever it was that was banging on my damn door. As I neared the door the knocking got louder. I shouted to whoever it was that was on the other side of the door, "Who is it? And what do you want?" I yelled. The person ignored me and continued banging on the door.

I snatched the door open to see that it was Jahbari standing at my door with a box of pizza and a damn stupid grin on his fucking face. I rolled my eyes and attempted to close the door in his face but he caught it before it closed. "Hey," he said. "Is that the thanks I get for getting you pizza?" he asked me. I turned around ignoring him as he entered and followed behind me as I made a beeline back to my bedroom.

"You were interrupting my sleep," I informed him. I jumped on my bed and he placed the pizza on table which was nearby and started taking off his shoes. I hugged my pillow as he disappeared out of my room only to come back a few minutes later with two chilled bottles of apple juice, napkins and two paper plates. He began separating the pizza.

"Sorry," he said apologizing. "I thought it would be nice if we could share a box of pizza together." He informed me.

I stared at him, "It's not nice," I said shaking my head. "All I want is the comfort of my bed and not your company." I told him.

"Well, you gon have to sit up and eat. I didn't buy this whole damn box all for myself. You gon eat this." He told me.

"I don't want any right now," I said closing my eyes. "Maybe later," I told him. He shrugged his shoulders and ate his first slice of pizza. "Are you sure it's okay with your dragon that you're here with me?" I asked him.

He looked at me, "Lai, please. I'm my own man. Latoya doesn't control me." He said.

"Umm hmm," I said. He shook his head and continued to eat his slice of pizza. Once he finished his first one he moved on to another slice. When he finished he burped causing me to turn my nose up in disgust.

"You are so nasty." I said.

He smiled, "Excuse me."

I closed my eyes once again and he lied down on the bed behind me and wrapped his arms around me. My eyes immediately shot up open. "What are you doing?" I asked him. I turned around to face him. He shrugged his shoulders and didn't reply. I sighed and again closed my eyes. Silence filled the air as I tried to go to sleep for like the millionth time.

"I always thought you were beautiful when you sleep," he told me. I smiled at his little confession but didn't say anything of it. And again silence filled the room. He caressed the little exposed skin. "Lai," he said. I didn't respond. "Lai,"

"Hmm," I groaned. "What?" I asked.

"You ever dream about getting married?" he asked me. I opened my eyes to look at him once again. Where was this coming from all of a sudden? I nodded my head yeah. "But, have you ever dreamed that it would be with me?" he asked me.

I bit my bottom lip as I nodded, "Yeah," I told him. "All the time." I told him honestly.

"Do you think it's wrong of me to think... that it's a mistake or wrong of me to want to marry somebody else instead of my fiancé?" he asked me. He was now looking up at the ceiling.

"Well, um... Jay—"

"Just hear me out. I mean I feel like I'm in love with someone completely different from my fiancé. I've been in love with her from the minute I laid eyes on her six years ago. And when we broke up... I never stopped loving her. I still do." He told me. I closed my eyes taking in everything he just said. He was talking about me. It felt so good to know that he was still in love with me as much as I was still in love with him. He had never stopped loving me.

"Jay," I said starting. "If you feel the way you do about that person, I think you should tell them." I told him. "And then break up with your fiancé. It makes no sense for you to stay in a relationship where you're not happy or you don't love them the way you loved that somebody else." I told him."Who knows, maybe that someone still loves you," I let him know.

He bit his bottom lips nodding his head, "Thanks for the advice," he told me.

I nodded my head, "No problem." He closed his eyes. And as much as I wanted to go to sleep also, I needed counseling also. So, I just had to ask him on his input. "Jay," I called out to him.

"Yeah," he said opening his eyes to look at me.

I touched his arm and traced the tattoos that were on his arms. "You ever thought about having kids in your life?" I asked him.

He smiled, "Yeah," he told me. "Five 'em, I want a huge family like the Huxtables, and a beautiful wife with brains like Clair." I chuckled at him. He was so silly.

"Five?" I asked him.

"No," he said shaking his head, "Two or three the most. As long as I have my boy and baby girl and a beautiful wife I'll be fine." He informed me. "I want the full experience. You know... watching my wife's belly grow each month, rubbing her tummy, taking care of her, talking to my baby inside of her, and being there for the childbirth," I nodded my head as silence crept into the room once again and he closed his eyes. Just as he let me know that he wanted to experience the whole pregnancy of his child, almost let me know that I made a mistake. I was almost afraid to ask the next question.

"Jay," I called out to him again.

"Hmm, babe," he answered.

I continued to trace his tattoos. "... a friend of mines is kind of going through some things. And I kind of need some advice—well you're opinion. You think you can help me out?" I asked him.
"Shoot for it, baby girl," he told me.

"Hypothetically speaking, how would you react if your girl was pregnant with your child and she... she kept that information from you?" I asked just leaving it at that. I was afraid to say more or say what I really wanted to say.

He opened his eyes and sat up in the bed, "I would be upset—wait is she planning on aborting my child?" he asked me. I shook my head no. "Then, I'd be pissed off. I would want to know my child. And if she loved me and that child she wouldn't keep that kind of information from me."

"But, say if she did keep it from you, and then she finally decides to tell you, but you two broke up, would you still be mad? Would you hold a grudge with her?" I asked him.

He sighed and then shaking his head no, "Nah, I wouldn't continue to hold a grudge with her. I'd be pissed because she held out an important piece of information from me. Like the day my baby was born, the first birthdays, first words, and steps, etc. But, I wouldn't continue to hold a grudge with her." He told me. I nodded my head taking in his answer.

I thought about it and debated over and over in my head if I should tell him now, since I knew how he felt about the situation a little bit. But, then again, I did say hypothetically speaking. He might've been giving me hypothetically answers. It's a whole different story when it really comes out. I sighed deciding against telling him then. I closed my eyes thinking that, I'll tell him when the time is right.

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