Money ball

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I looked around the room which I sat in starting to get tired. I've been sitting in this damn waiting room for the past thirty minutes for my job interview, and I've seem to have seen people come before and after me go in and leave for whatever the purpose they've come here and still the damn dingy secretary haven't called my name. I shook my head as I felt my phone vibrate in my trousers pockets.

I reached for it and looked at the caller id to see that it was Laila calling. I pressed talk, Hello," I said speaking into the phone.

"Hey," she said softly into the phone. "I hope I'm not bothering you," she said.

I shook my head, "Nah," I told her. "I've got plenty of time," I said looking at the secretary at her desk. It didn't look like they were going to get to me any time soon. I was almost thinking about leaving anyways. "What's up?" I asked her.

"Well uh," she said sighing. "I don't know how it completely slipped my mind." She said. "But, I need for you to pick-up Tarahji up from school today." She told me. I looked down at my watch which was a graduation gift from my parents. Money is time, they said to me when they gave it to me. Go and get your money and don't waste a minute. I looked at the time to see that it was now three forty-two.

"I'm supposed to be hosting something down at the center where I work and I totally forgot that it was this afternoon. Do you mind picking her up?" she asked me. "Because if you're busy it's okay I'll just—"

I shook my head no, "It's cool," I told her. "I'll pick her up," I told her. "I'm actually at a job interview and I'm waiting to be interviewed. But I'll swing by and pick her up right afterwards. What time does her school closes?" I asked her.

"Oh, um seven," she told me. "But, I usually try to make it there before six thirty, because after seven is when they call those people." I nodded my head understanding.

"Don't worry about it Lai," I told her. "I'll be there by six thirty if not earlier if they don't get to me."

"Okay," she said sighing. "You're like a life saver." She told me. "I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have you," she told me. "I couldn't take seeing those kids at the center disappointed in me for cancelling on them." I nodded my head.

Laila was definitely good peoples. She really cared about people. That's why she worked at the center. The center that helps teenagers stays off the streets and informs teenagers about risks of contracting diseases and about sex. I can only think that the main reason why she went into working this profession because of her situation. She didn't want those to feel left alone and inform those not to make the same mistakes that she made. And I'm proud of what she does.

"Okay, anyways. I gotta go," she told me. "Good luck on your job interview. I hope you get the job." She told me. I smiled nodding my head.

"Thanks," I said and she hung up. I closed the phone just in time for the secretary to call my name.
"Mr. Jahbari Samuel?" I raised my hands and stood up from my seat and followed her into the interview room, which was really a big conference room with two men and a woman sat waiting for me. I smiled walked briskly towards them and shook each of their hands.

"Pleasure to meet you all," I said and one of them motioned for me to sit in a seat across from them. I sat down and the questions began.

Show time. Time to get that money.

- - - -

"Daddy," Tarahji said jumping on me once she saw me. She gave me a big sloppy kiss on my cheeks and I couldn't help but smile. She giggled. "Daddy," she said pointing at my cheeks.

"Yes, princess," I said.

"Your cheeks are wet," she told me.

"Wipe it for me please," I told her.

She smiled and wiped it for me. Her teacher walked to me and waved at me. "Hi, I'm glad that you're here," she told me.Yeah, I bet.

"It's good to see you again too." I told her with less enthusiasm as her.

Her smile didn't falter, "Uh, Tarahji here," she said looking down at Tarahji now back on her feet on the ground. "Got into a fight with Ryan today." She told me. I looked down at Tarahji who had looked down to the ground ashamed of her actions.

"Rahji baby," I called out to her. She slowly looked up at me. "You want to tell me why you and Ryan got into a fight today in school?" I asked her. She shook her head no. "Tee," I said sternly. "Why did your teacher tell me that you were fighting?"I asked her again.

She looked at me and I saw a frown spread across her face, "Ryan was bothering me still and told me that you didn't really love me for real. And that you were going to leave because I was ugly." She told me. I looked at her and sighed. So, that's what this is all about.

I looked at Ms. Marilyn and nodded my head. "Thanks for letting me know." I told her. "I'll be telling her mother about it." She nodded her head and opened her mouth to say something but I turned away from her and together Tee and I walked out of the classroom before Ms. Marilyn can get another word in.
"Are you going to tell mommy?" her small voice asked. I looked down at her as I put the buckled the seat belt safely on her.

I nodded my head, "Oh, yeah. I'm telling mommy about this." I told her.

"No!" she screamed.

I stopped what I was doing to looked at her, "No, what?" I asked her. "You know better than to fight in school. Did mommy teach you that you're supposed to fight in school?" I asked her.

She shook her head no, "Then why did you fight in school?" I asked her. She was quiet.

Then she finally said, "Because," she said softly. "He said that I was ugly and that you were going to leave me. Are you going to leave me again daddy?" she asked me. I looked into her hazel color eyes for a few seconds before responding. I couldn't believe we were back at square one all because of some little boy that I don't even like.

"Babe," I said looking into her eyes. "I'm not ever going to leave you." I told her. "I love you and would never leave you again," She smiled nodding her head.

"Are you still going to tell mommy?" she asked me and I sighed again. I nodded my head. She shook her head and her eyes widened in horror. "No, daddy," she pleaded. "Don't tell mommy." She begged of me. "I promise I won't fight anymore in school. I'll be a good girl from now on." She told me.

I looked at her pleading eyes and knew from that second that she had won. It didn't matter if I was mad at her or not I just knew that I could never be mad at my princess for long in the future. "Okay," I said laughing. "I won't tell mommy about this." I told her. "But, you've got to promise and keep your promise to be good because if you don't I will tell mommy," I told her.

She nodded her head smiling, "Okay, daddy" she told me. "I promise to keep my promise." She told me. I nodded my head.

"Good," I said. "Now, are you ready to go home now?" I asked her. She nodded her head. "Burger King first?" I asked her and watched as her face scrunched up into a disgusted face. I chuckled, "McDonald's?" she smiled and nodded her head. "Alright, McDonald it is and then home." I told her. I closed her door and walked around the driver's side and got in headed towards the nearest McDonald close to home.

When we exited off the elevator we walked down the hallways towards my condo giggling and laughing at a joke that Tee just said. But, all that came to halt for me when my eyes landed on what I saw standing at my door. Tarahji continued to chatter unbeknownst that I had completely tuned her out because I was too busy trying to figure out why she was here—why she was standing at my door?

Okay I know I left ya'll hanging but i promised a add today .
So I cut it off there because I wasn't finished and because of the promise .
Adding again real soon .

THE LOVECHILD Ft.Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now