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Jahbari Pov

Two weeks later.

I parked the car in front of the condominium building and seconds later got out of the car to walk around the back of my car to get one of the many boxes that were packed with my stuff. I was so excited about this move because for two whole weeks mama has been sure to give me hell in that house. I shook my head, and I thought I would be so happy when it was time to go off to college before, but trust me this time around I am sure as hell super excited to leave this time for good.

Mom's been giving me pure hell ever since the party that she and pops held for me two weeks ago and it was only because of three reasons. I didn't break things off properly with Laila, I cheated on Laila with Latoya, and because I proposed to Latoya.

And let me tell you this: this lady sure as hell could hold grudges against people because she doesn't even feed my ass or talk to me. She doesn't even say hello or give me one word answers. And If I'm ever in the same room as her she gets up and goes to another room or doesn't even look at me. After having to suffer not talking to my mama, I decided that I needed to move out as soon as I could before she actually killed me.

&& truthfully when ma brought up Laila almost two weeks ago I was in total shock. I just couldn't believe that she had run into Laila. I admit that it was straight up foul and petty of me for not contacting Laila. Shit, it was bad enough that I had made up those bullshit ass excuses about how we couldn't have made it, but it was even worse because I didn't even confront her about my selfish ass decision.

I should have never ever done what I had done to her. She didn't deserve what I did to her. She deserved to have learned the true explanation about why I hadn't been able to get to a phone and phone her. She deserved to know why we couldn't be able to continue to be with each other. She did deserve to know that. It would have been the best thing to do, to let her know.

I'm mad at myself more so because I hadn't fought for our relationship. I hadn't given us a chance. I mean I did know that being apart would be difficult but we could've managed. We could have made it work. But, it was for my selfish reasons which caused us to be nonexistence anymore.

Yes, I couldn't have put all of the blame on her because I was the one leaving. And I knew she expected for me to call to say that I had made it safely and was okay. But, still she should've called to at least to bitch at me because I hadn't called to check in on her. And really when you think about it the shit really worked both ways. I should've called her, but when she didn't hear any signs from me she should've been the one to call me.

We both should've called each other. We could've made it work. And I think because she hadn't called me it pushed me to move on. I really did need reassurance that we could hold strong through the many miles apart. I needed that and I knew she needed that also. But, she never called so I never called and took it as maybe it wasn't destined for us to be together.

I really didn't expect for her to show up at the party. I really didn't. And in a way I seriously did forget that my mom's had invited her to the party. Honestly, I didn't even know that she was there until after I dropped Toya off and moms started tripping and throwing blows at me as if she was Madea. And ever since then moms have been riding me for proposing to Latoya that night.

Mama doesn't say this to my face but I overhear outside of her and the old man's room door, that if I marry Latoya that she will not attend the wedding ceremony nor would she contribute to it. I'm cool with them not wanting to contribute, but for them not wanting to come... that I just couldn't accept.

I don't know what her deal was against Latoya. She's always hated the girl ever since the day I first introduced her. I kind of understand why my mother doesn't like Toya but, really if you really looked passed Toya's white girl attitude she was really a nice girl. And I did really love her and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. That's why I propose to her that night. I didn't want to say anything to anyone about my decision because I knew that they were all going to try to get me to not go through with it. But, why couldn't moms just be happy for me, for us?

I carried the box inside the condominium and headed straight to the front desk in the lobby which sat a lady, "Hello, I am Jahbari Samuels. I just purchased condo four sixteen..." The lady smiled and nodded her head. "The last owner said that I could get them from you."

"Oh, yeah. I've got your keys." She said getting up. "The owner just dropped them off this morning."She walked into the backroom behind her.

As I waited for her to come back with my new set of keys a beautiful woman came walking up behind me to the counter and stood next to me. I couldn't help myself but to stare at the woman who stood next to me, she was attractive and I could have sworn that I was looking at a goddess.

She had brown skin which looked as if it was soft, had full lips that looked to be kissable and soft. Her breasts were perky and round and she had a slender waist. As I continued to let my eyes roam over her beautiful features my eyes landed on her hand, I saw an all too familiar birthmark on them. But, for some reason I just couldn't place where I had seen them before or who they belonged to.

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind as I licked my lips at what I saw. She was what guys like to call a bad chick, a chick that every man fantasized having.

She turned to look at me, but I couldn't see her eyes because she had on shades on. She smiled at me but the smile softened a bit when she said, "Hello," and quickly turned around. My attention went back as the sound of heels click clacking on the condominiums floor. The lady at the front desk was coming back with my keys.

"Okay, I've got your keys." She said. The lady handed me my keys and turned her attention to the beautiful woman that stood next to me. "Hey, Lai." The lady said. I took my box and marched to the elevator and pressed the button.

"Do I have any mail today?" she asked in a soft angelic voice.

"Uh, yeah." The lady at the front desk rummaged through some things and handed it to her. I waited for the elevator door to open as she walked up behind me, the door dinged and together we entered. I pressed floor level four and it looked as if she was about to press four also but backed down when she realized that we were going to the same floor.

She stood against the elevators wall while I stood on the opposite wall still sizing her up and down. She looked real good in those jeans that she was wearing. They sure 'nough revealed that she had a nice body, she wore a black leather jacket and underneath she had a plain white baby tee, and she wore boots. I smiled with lustful eyes at how just in a matter of a few minutes I had managed to forget that I was engaged to Latoya. I had never lusted or looked after another woman's way after Toya and I got together, until now.

She licked her lips as she watched how I was practically stripping her naked with my eyes. She smiled and shook her head, then swiping her hair away from her vision and again I saw the birthmark. "So, you're the one moving into the condo four sixteen?" she asked me.

I nodded my head, "Yeah." I told her.

She smiled, "It's nice in there. You're going to love it." She told me. I nodded my head. "I've been in there a couple of times when the last owner lived there." She said to me. I again I nodded my head. The elevator went quiet again after her last statement. She looked away from me and played with her cell phone in her hands.

When the elevator bell dinged signaling that our short ride up to our floor had come to an end, she looked up, being the true gentlemen that I was I let her exit first and followed after. Damn, I cursed underneath my breath. My eyes were now glued to her apple shaped rear. Dime piece. She turned left once she exited the elevator, "Four sixteen is this way." She informed me.

"Uh," She said catching me off guard. I looked from her rear and nodded my head, "Thanks." I told her finally able to catch my voice.

She continued to walk down the hallway as I trailed behind her. I searched for the numbers 4-1-6, "No problem." She said. I stopped when I finally found my new condo. I looked over at her and realized that her place was a few doors down from mines. She placed her keys in her door, flashing the birthmark again, opening the door and entered the condo and closed the door disappeared behind it without another word uttered.

It took me a few minutes after I'd gotten the keys into the lock to realize who that birthmark belonged to. I smiled shaking my head and looking a few doors down where she had disappeared into. I couldn't believe that she was my new neighbor. Who'd ever think that this would ever happen?

Laila King.

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