Perfect Timing . pt 2

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I walked away from Jahbari and walked towards the room that the doctor told me that my baby was in. I trembled, shaking my head once I reached in front of her door. I didn't know if I could go in there and see my baby, I felt as if I had no strength at all. Not after all those heated words that Jay and I exchanged just minutes ago.

He was just so mad—so angry.

I kind of expected for him to have that type of reaction when he learned of his daughter. But, shit man this was not the way I wanted him to find out. Definitely not like this. Not with a phone call saying that my baby was in the hospital. I didn't want to let him know like this.

The thing that killed me the most was when he said, that I had been waiting for Tarahji to be on her deathbed to tell him and that was so not true. If I had it my way I would have had those two meet again—because meeting in a elevator was definitely not what I thought would be their first meeting. I would sit both of them down and tell him.

I will admit that it was wrong of me to keep that secret from him. He had every right to know about his daughter; but not on this condition. And yeah, I probably should've told him a long time ago. Maybe not when he was going off to college—but, perhaps maybe when he got back. I shook my head again, not understanding my own ways. I couldn't understand why I never tried to tell him about her, when I really had every opportunity to. He was always around. And when I could've said something I kept my mouth shut. I should've told him earlier.

I took a deep breath, preparing to go inside to go and see my baby. I pushed open her room to see her awake watching television. She turned to look in my direction at the door. "Mommy," She cried out to me. I closed the door and walked over to her and stood at her bed side. I kissed her cheeks as tears started streaming down my face.

"Mommy, I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to get hurt—" I laughed at her. She was such a sweetheart. She was only apologizing for something that she had no idea that was not her fault. If anything I should be apologizing to her. Apologizing for keeping her father away from her life.

I shook my head, "You don't have to apologize to me, baby." I told her.

"Then, why are you crying then mommy?" she asked me. I looked into her big brown eyes and brushed her curly hair out of her face. I looked down at the cast that was wrapped around her left arm. The doctor had told me that all my baby suffered from the fall was a broken arm. Nothing major and told me that she would only have to wear the cast for a few weeks. I thanked God that that was all she suffered from.

I shook my head again. The real reason why I was crying was because I had messed up all my chances. Everything. Tarahji meeting her father, telling Jay of his daughter, and last of all me telling Jay how I really felt. I was pretty sure that he was going to marry that stuck up bitch now. My word about his cheating fiancé would not even matter anymore at this point. It was useless. It was too late now. He would have to learn on his own now.

"It's nothing honey," I told her. "You just scared mommy, that's all." I let her know. She nodded her head and resumed watching whatever it was that was shown on the television channel.

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