said Unexpectedly

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said Unexpectedly .

I pulled up in front of the Johnson's residence with a smile on my face. I was going to see my daughter after three days of being a part, we were finally being reunited. I had brought her over here this past weekend because the Johnson's daughter McKenzie, who was the same as Tarahji, was having a sleep over party. I had missed my boo something terribly.

I stepped out of the car seconds later and walking towards the Johnson's home to ring the doorbell. I smiled as Lauren, McKenzie's mother opened the door for me. "Hi," I said waving my hands.

She smiled and we hugged each other, "Hey," she said. "Come in," I walked in once she opened the door a bit wider and she closed the door and led me towards her living room.

"Oh, my gosh, how was it?" I asked once we became comfortable on the couch, "Was she bad? Did she pee on the bed?"I asked her. "Did anything wrong happened—?" she cut me off.

"Nothing bad happened," she said smiling at me and easing my worrisome thoughts. "Everything went well." she told me. "She did have a few accidents with the bed but other than that she was okay." she told me and I nodded my head grateful that nothing bad had happened to my baby. "But, she was an angel." she told me.

I smiled, "Would you like something to drink?" she asked me.

I shook my head no, "It's okay. I'm not here for long." I told her. I had just ended my shift at the Youth Center and just came by here to pick Rahji up. "I just came to pick up Rahji and to see if everything went well," I told her. She nodded her head.

"You want me to get her?" I nodded my head yes. "Okay, well, if you change your mind you can help yourself in the kitchen or flipped the channel while you wait," she told me. I nodded my head. She stood up from her seat and disappeared up the spiral stairs to go and get my daughter.

Minutes later I heard footsteps coming down the stairs fast. I turned around to see that it was Tarahji, a big smile on my face appeared. She looked at me and smiled, "MOMMY!" she yelled happy to see me. I frowned a little bit at how fast she was coming down the stairs.

I stood up afraid that she might fall, I met her halfway. "Be careful, mama." I told her. She slowed down and jumped on me once she reached the bottom of the stairs. I kissed her on her cheeks and she hugged me tight. "Mommy missed you, Rahji," I told her. She let go of my neck and looked up into my eyes.

A twinkle shown in her eyes, "I missed you too mommy," she told me. I smiled knowing that she didn't miss me as much as I missed her. she was having way to much fun with Mckenzie, Aeryn, and Skylar to miss mommy. "Oh, mommy, I had so much fun here." she said.

"You did?" I asked her. She nodded her head. I smiled at her. "Well, how about you tell me about it in the car on the drive home?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded her head. She wiggled out of my arms until she was onto the ground. I looked at my wristwatch to see that it was six o'clock. "Okay, well we better get going," I say to Lauren, "Rahji, you do you want to say goodbye to Mckenzie, Aeryn, and Skylar?" I asked her.

"BYE KENZIE, AERYN, AND SKYLAR!" she said screaming. I looked down at her immediately frowning. She knew better to be screaming and hollering out people's names.

"Rahji," I said giving her the eye. "That's not how you say goodbye." I told her.

"Sorry," she said looking down at the ground. Little footsteps of little girls came down the stairs. "Bye, Aeryn, Kenzie, and Sky." she said to each of them as she hugged them goodbye. She grabbed on to my hand and I waved to the girls.

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