romancin' you .

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So, how did everything go on Saturday?" Miranda asked me as I made my way towards the refrigerator for something to drink and eat. It had been a very long day at the center and after work I decided to stop by at Mimi's to just hangout for a few minutes before heading home. Jahbari was picking Tarahji up from school today and he'd be bringing her back later on.

I shrugged my shoulders opening the door, "His mama found a way to get me to stay the whole afternoon." I confessed. I grabbed a water bottle and took a few sips. She looked at me confused. "I thought I'd be lucky to just drop off Tee and just leave right afterwards, but she wanted me to stay so we could talk. In other words, she wanted to talk about why I hadn't come to her when I learned that I was pregnant."

Miranda nodded her head understanding, "Oooh, She got your ass real good, huh?" she asked laughing.

I smiled shaking my head, "I really wanted to leave when I first saw her. But, she wasn't having none of that. She urged me to follow her to the kitchen. At first it was quiet but I got sick and tired of waiting for the conversation to start so I opened up first telling her everything, about me raising Tee alone and going through my pregnancy without my parents help. And in the end she was with comforting words letting me know that they would've been there for me no matter what. And it felt good hearing what she told me. I went through all of that shit alone for no reason when I could have had a family behind me."

She nodded her head, "That's what we've been trying to tell your ass a long time ago. But it was your decision and we couldn't force you to do what you didn't want to do."

I nodded my head agreeing, "I should've listened to you guys then." I agreed. "But, it's all good now. All that shit is in the past. He knows about his little munchkin and the grandparents..." As soon as I said those words I regretted them.

Everything was far from perfect and I wished that it could be. But there was one missing piece to the puzzle. Aside from the fact that Jay and I are working on us... I wished everything was cool between me and my parents. That's the piece that's missing.

I hadn't seen my parents ever since the day they kicked me out on the streets with my luggage's with nowhere to go. And when the time came for me to give birth to Tarahji, they hadn't even shown up. Shit cut me deep that they didn't even come for her. If not for me and my bad decisions at least have the decency to show up for your granddaughter. And even though I'm still mad that my parents had treated and acted the way that they did I wished and prayed everyday that they would somehow forgive me.

I could never say that my daughter was a mistake, because she wasn't. She was a blessing from God to me and Jahbari. So, I'd never say she was a mistake. She brought joy and happiness into my life and made me want to work harder to provide for her. I understand why my parents were angry that I had chosen the path that I had but I didn't want them sabotaging and not forming a relationship with their granddaughter all because they were too angry with me. I wanted my baby to know her grandparents; to know both sides of her family.

"So, what's up with you and Mr. Jahbari," she asked me and immediately my frown turned into a full smile on my face. "Uh oh," Miranda said smirking. "Spill it girlfriend," she told me.

"Well, after the bar-b-que at his 'rents place we talked. We talked about some things... that kiss and about our relationship status, and we both agreed to take things slow between us." Mimi clapped her hands in excitement.

"Finally," she said beaming of happiness. "You two are so madly in love with each other. I could see the tension between you two every time you guys are in the same room together. It's about time you stopped running from love and go to it." She confessed. "Ooh, I can't wait to share this with Alicia. Ooh she's gonna be so happy to learn that you'll be getting some good old fashion dick soon. And maybe when you do you'll be able to chill out and be less grumpy all the time. Your sex drive is long overdue." I couldn't help but laugh along with her.

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