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refreshed .

All throughout this week, all I could think about is that conversation that I had with Tarahji. The shit, was literally eating me up inside. I hated lying to my daughter about anything. It could be for the most smallest thing, I hated lying to her. I thought Tarahji that honesty was the key to any relationship, and because I despised the shit of liars. But, when she asked me that question it through me off because I wasn't expecting it.

She had never hinted the fact that she missed or wanted her father around. She was always so chill and never asked about him. So, when she asked me about him I felt like I had no choice at the moment but to lie to her. I shook my head at how I had lied to my daughter. The thing hurt so bad now, because every time I looked into her face I remember that lie that I told her, and I see her father. Damn, him for his strong genes.

She asked me so many questions about Jahbari. She asked me how he looked like, if I had any pictures of him. If he was a nice person. Then she asked me when was he coming back and once again she asked me if he loved her. I told her everything that I could answer truthfully, but I couldn't show her any pictures of him or give her an exact answer when he was coming back.

I admit a couple of times during this week I contemplated in going over to tell Jahbari about her, but I couldn't. I didn't have the courage to go and tell him the truth. And usually, during the week, we would run into each other, but this week we didn't. In a way I was relieved for it because I wasn't so sure about telling him about her. I was nervous as hell to even talk about this touchy subject.

I looked through the mirror looking to make sure that I looked okay. I was heading over towards his house early for the housewarming party. I was hoping that by showing up early I could work up the little courage that I had to tell him the truth. I was getting sick and tired of looking at Isis and seeing a little bit of him in her plus I was tired of going to bed crying every night. He needed to know about her now. I applied a coat of lip gloss on my lips and grabbed my keys and the tray of meat balls that were in the oven.

I exited out of my condo locking my door and made my way towards his door . I breath in trying to calm my nerves. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open for me. Okay, you can do this, I said giving myself a little pep talk. All you've got to do is tell him about her. Tell him the— He opened the door shirtless and smiled at me. All that was said in my mind quickly erased. Damn. Why is it this man always shirtless whenever I come over?

"Damn," I heard him mutter. Together we both smiled, "Sorry, about that." he said. "I didn't mean to say that." he told me.

I shook my head, "Don't worry about it." I shook my head again looking away from his bare chest and six pack. "Uh," I started. "I hope you don't mind me being early I just wanted to..." I paused shaking my head. I can't do this. He stared at me and waited for me to finish what I was about to say. "I just wanted to come by early so that I could..." I searched for a quick lie. "help you with the food or anything that needs help." I lied to him.

He smiled an easy smile, "Cool," he said nodding. "Actually," he said opening the door wider for me to enter. "Latoya just called here just a few minutes ago saying that she's running a little late." he told me. I grunted at the mention of her name. I walked in and headed towards his kitchen to place the tray meatballs there.

- - - - -

"Hmmm," she grunted. "I see that you're back with her." she said placing the tray down on the counter. I nodded my head.

"Yeah," I said. "We talked it out." I told her. I grabbed the shirt that was on a nearby table and put it on.

She nodded her head, "I guess," she scoffed. "What do you need help with?" I asked. "Do you have anything that needs to go in the oven?" she asked me.

THE LOVECHILD Ft.Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now