calling it even .

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Sauntering the down the stairs I could hear the television blaring loudly in my parents den. Reaching the bottom of the steps, I smiled seeing my pops watching college basketball. "Sup, pops?" I asked him once I stood close to him. He turned around and looked up to me.

He smiled standing up, "Nothing son," he said as we hugged. "What brings you by?" he asked me once we sat down on the couch.

I shrugged and shook my head. Pops knew me all too well. "Latoya," I told him. The single word caused to turn his attention from the game to me. "I ran into her and her fiancé a few weeks ago, and her belly was so huge." I told him. "I was shocked to see her so... huge."

He stared at me in confusion, "I thought she had gone on to get the abortion." I shook my head. My father waited for me to go on to better explain, "I never went to talk her out of getting the abortion. And because I hadn't I just assumed that she went on with her plans in doing so. I never contacted her to see if she followed through with it either. So, when I saw her... I was just as surprised as Laila." I told him.

"Wait a minute now son," he said holding his hands up. I stopped talking and looked at him. "You mean to tell me that you never told Laila that she was pregnant?" he asked me.

I shook my head no, "No," I replied. "Things were going so great between us two. We were working on us, and I just decided that I shouldn't tell her since Toya was going to go ahead with her plans, and plus I wasn't so sure if it was mine or not." I told him.

"And then she had the nerve to say that "we hope to see you" at her baby shower while rubbing her belly." I added. "Laila didn't really say much after she left, but I knew she was mad. When we got to her place..." I shook my head. "I told her about how that that baby could be mine, and she was angry at me. And for the past few weeks she's been distant with me. She won't take my calls, and when I do get in touch with her it's only about Tarahji. She hands Tee to me, and doesn't hold any contact with me." I said describing the last few weeks.

I shook my head, "I know it was wrong of me to keep it a secret from her, but you can't blame me completely because I thought my ex-fiancé was getting an abortion." My phone vibrated in my pockets and I reached for it to see who it was and saw that it was Latoya. I let it go to voicemail. I placed my phone back into my pockets.

"Actually, she can blame it on you." He told me and I frowned. "You remember son when you had trust issues with her because she hadn't been honest with you about Tarahji?" he asked me. I nodded my head. Where was he going with this? "Well it's the same thing." He told me.

"When you two decided to start your relationship over and forget the past, you two were starting from a clean slate. She gained back your trust, and she trusted you. You lied and kept this important information from her."

I looked down at my hand as my phone vibrated again, "I hear you pop," I told him. "I should have told her when I found out. I shouldn't have kept it a secret." I reached for my phone again knowing already that it was Latoya again. Her name flashed through the caller ID.

I stood up from the couch, "Excuse me pops," I told him. "I'll be back," I told him. I went up the stairs and her call went up to voicemail again and I headed to my old room to call her back. She picked up on the second ring.

"It's about time you picked up the phone," she said and I sat down on my old twin bed. "What happened couldn't get away from wifey fast enough? Let me guess she left or you're in the other room sneaking around to make this call," she said snidely.

I frowned, "Whatever," I said irritated. "Why'd you call? What's so fucking important that you have to blow up my phone like that?"I asked her.

"Our baby," she told me. I sighed. "That's the important issue. What kind of father are you? You don't call to check-up on your baby—"

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