bombshells .

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My eyes were watching the motions on the television screen, but my mind was elsewhere. I had picked up Tarahji almost four hours ago, helped her with her home learning assignment, fed her, took her a shower, and had bid her goodnight over an hour ago. Now, I sat sitting watching Kourtney and Kim take New York.

I hadn't spoken to Jay at all today and I was curious as to how the doctor's appointment had gone. When he told me that Latoya had invited him to go with him to the doctor's visitation all sorts of feelings stirred up in me—angry, sad, irritated, worried. I honestly didn't want him to go with her. But, who was I to tell him not to go? This may very well be his baby that she's carrying. I had no place to tell him not to go.

I know when I told him to go to the appointment it shocked him. Why would your own girlfriend tell you to tag along to your exes doctor's appointment? Well, I'll tell you why. Not too long ago I was the one that had to go to doctor's appointments alone. I used to wish that he was there to participate and see the miracle that was growing inside of me. But, he wasn't there. I had robbed him of those moments. So, he deserved to be there today.

I love Jahbari. I really do. He's a wonderful father to Tarahji and wonderful man to me. He listens, gives wonderful advice, a total sweetheart, and gives wonderful loving. But, really I don't know what I'll do if this baby really turns out to be his. I don't think I can stay with him if it really is his. If that baby is his, than that would mean that I'd have to deal with that bitch being around us for eighteen years (if we even make it down the aisle). I'm not too sure if I'm strong enough to deal with her and her bullshit, nor would I be able to control myself. I know for sure that if she said one slick comment towards me, I was sure going to give her ass the whoop ass that was long overdue. Not to mention how I didn't appreciate how she revealed her pregnancy the way she did.

And because she ratted on Jay the way that she did only proves to me that she has other motives. I just have this feeling that the bitch is still out to get my man. She's only keeping this baby only because she thinks that this baby may be his. When I told him that he could go I saw something in his eyes. He had the happy look. He was excited.

My biggest fear is that now that he knows that she's pregnant that he'll go running to her every beck and call. I fear that he'd forget about us. Forget about Tee and me when this newborn arrives. His time will be dedicated more to this baby than us. And I don't want that.

Why can't everything just be so fucking normal for once? Why can't we just live our lives like normal people? Get married, have more babies, travel the world, and just be successful. Why do we have to have the baby mama drama? Why we can't just be crazy in love and live happily ever after without all of this extra bullshit? I asked myself selfishly.

The doorknob turned causing me to turn my attention to it. The door opened revealing Jahbari, "Hey," he said closing the door behind him and then walking towards me on the couch. He bent down to kiss my lips.

"Hi," I said and he sat down next to me. He pulled me closer to his chest smiling.

"Where's Tee?" he asked me. I looked up at him.

"She's in her room asleep." I replied. "I put her to bed an hour ago." I added.

"Awe, damn." He said kissing me on my neck. "I was hoping to catch her before she dozed off." I nodded my head. I closed my eyes loving the feel of his lips on my skin. "So, how was your day?" he asked me still kissing me on my neck.

I sighed, "It was..." I opened my eyes and thought about it for a few seconds before answering. "Long and tiring," I said finally answering. "What about yours?" I asked. What I really wanted to ask him instead was what happened at that appointment? But I was going to give him enough time for him to tell me instead, and if he didn't say anything about it than I was going to be the one to ask him.

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