jezebel in the flesh .

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I got up from my comfortable spot on the couch and walked towards the kitchen where my mother was cooking. I went to the fridge and took the ice cream out and took a clean spoon from the drawers and then sat on a stool at the islands which was in the middle of the kitchen. I opened the lid of the ice cream and started eating the cold chocolate ice cream.

A few days had passed since that blow-up between Tyrell and I at the doctor's office. I hadn't gone back to his place after that day only because I had a feeling that he wouldn't want me there. I sighed. I was confused over the whole Tyrell thing. I couldn't understand his behavior. It was weird. He had said to call him when the baby was here. Almost as if he had completely given up on trying on me. It was so unlike him.

I sighed and my mother turned around to look at me, "Okay, what's wrong baby?" my mother asked me. "You've been home a lot and you've been eating excessively lately. What's going on?"

I shook my head as I thought about what I was going to say to her. This was it I had to let her and my pops what was going on. I couldn't keep all this in any longer. "Mom," just as I started the kitchen sliding glass door opened revealing my father.

"Hello, my beautiful ladies," he said greeting us. He kissed me on my temple and then passed me to kiss my mother on her lips. I watched adoring them. That's what I wanted. What they had. But, it seems like that will never happen now because I'm afraid that I've messed everything up. I may not have wanted this baby in the beginning but I surely wanted my baby to experience the whole warm loving family. That's what I wanted for us.

"Mom, dad," I said taking a deep breath, "I've got something to tell you guys," I announced. The two of them broke away from each other and looked at me to go on. I knew that my folks would be disappointed in what I was prepared to tell them, but they needed to know.

"Mom, dad..." I paused and suddenly my throat felt dry for some reason. "I'm pregnant." I told them. I looked down at the carton of ice cream. "I'm nine weeks," I added.

"That fucking bastard!" My father yelled obviously angry that his princess was pregnant. "He couldn't keep his fucking hands and dick inside his pants for a few short months before he could—"
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, "I'm not finished yet daddy," I told him. He stopped and the both of my parents just stared at me in silence. "We—he..." I shook my head. "The wedding is off." I finally said it.

"Ooh, no! oh no no no," My father said shaking his head. "If he thinks he's going to get out of raising his kid and not marrying you he can forget about it. He planted his seed in you and he will marry and raise his kid," he told me and I felt like my heart was ripping because he only knew the half of the truth. "I will not have you raising this kid alone and that child not knowing of his father."

"I never liked that boy," My mother said shaking head disapprovingly. "I told you a long time ago to leave that boy alone when you first brought him home. You would've been engaged to Tyrell by now. He would be catering and bending over his back to love and provide for you and this baby." My mother told me. "And now he doesn't even want to take care of his own baby."

I shook my head, "Daddy," My lips trembled. "But, there's just this one problem." I said shaking my head. "I shouldn't have been messing around in the first place and now..." I trailed off. "Now, I'm—"

"What is it are you trying to say princess?" he asked me.

"The baby that I'm carrying may not be Jahbari's," I bit my bottom lip. He looked at me in shock. "It might be Tyrell Morris's. And now I'm afraid that I might be raising my baby by myself. I told him that it wasn't his and that it was Jahbari's."

He looked at me with disgust in his eyes. My mother on the other hand was stunned but kept her mouth shut. "I can't believe you," he said shaking his head. "I didn't know that Darlene and I raised a whore for a daughter. She's walking around town opening her legs to every guy she meets." The tears cascaded down my cheeks. His words cut me deep.

All my life I was his little perfect princess. I had always been perfect in his eyes and never messed up. But his princess messed up now. I wasn't his princess anymore. Now, I was a whore; whore who just might be raising her baby on her own; a whore who had no idea who her baby daddy was; a whore who managed to push the only man who ever loved her away all because she can't let go of another man who was in love with another woman; a whore who claimed another man to be the father of her baby when she knew damn well that he wasn't. I was a lying whore.

"I'm willing to bet Samuels broke off the engagement because somehow he found out what a jezebel you really are. Am I right?" he asked me. I nodded my head still looking down at the ground. "Get out of my face," he said with disgust. "I can't stand the sight of you." He yelled.

With my head bowed I let the tears continue to fall down my face and blur my vision as I exited out of the kitchen. So, this is how Laila must've felt when she found out she was pregnant when Jahbari left. Alone. The only difference between us is that Jahbari wanted nothing to do with us, my parents can't seem stand to be in the same room with me, and to top it off, the one who always loved me had given up on me. I was alone.

I am a jezebel.

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