this time around .

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"She's allergic to nuts," I reiterated for like the fifth time since I arrived. I was dropping off Tarahji off to the grandparents because tonight was Jay and I date. I called up Ma a couple of hours ago asking if she would mind taking Tee for the weekend besides I thought that it would be great for those three to spend more time with her each other. Ma accepted and was really happy to know that her grandbaby was going to spend the weekend with her. So, here I am dropping her off.

I don't know what it is but I'm just so nervous about tonight. It's been a while since I really been out on a real date. I don't really count that date with Drew a date. I think of it as two friends going out on a date because that's what we were. Two friends.

I know I have no real reason to be worried or nervous about because Jay and I have been through this stage before. We weren't going to really get to know each other anymore; we both know each other. Well that's if he wanted to continue role playing. What worried me is what will actually happen on this date? What will I say? How will I act? I trembled at the thought of how our date could end up being a disaster because of me.

"And Tarahji," I said as we all stood at the door now. "Behave." I warned her. She snuggled close in her grandmother's chest. "If I hear you've misbehaved for any reason—"

"She'll be on her best behavior, Lai baby," ma said. I looked to her. "Now, go on," she told me. "You've got to get ready for this date. I can take care of her. I've raised two sons and have grandchildren. I can handle her." She told me.

"Ma, you don't understand," I shook my head. "She cons people into getting what she wants. She does it with Jay all the time and I'm pretty sure she'll do it this weekend with you guys. Don't let her—"

Mrs. Samuels smiled, "Lai, I got it." She said pushing me out the door. "I know exactly what you're doing and I don't want you stalling to get ready for your date with my son," she said. "Now, go home and get dolled up." She told me.

I sighed. She knew me so well, "Ma, I'm nervous," I admitted.

She nodded her head, "You don't have to tell me. I guessed that the minute you handed Tee to me. But, you have nothing to be worried about. Everything will be just fine." She assured me.

I nodded my head looking down at my polished black toe nails feeling a little better, "Thanks ma." I thanked her. "Thanks for taking Rahji this weekend."

She shook her head, "It's no problem, baby." She told me. "I love her and she's family. Now, go before you make my boy think that you're standing him up." She told me and caused me to smile.

I waved goodbye to the two at the doorstep got into my car and drove home. In the lobby of my condominium building I found Miranda sitting there playing with her phone. She stood up from her seat on the sofa once she saw me and walked towards me with a black shopping bag. "Hey," I greeted her with a kiss on her cheek. "What's up with the black bag?" I asked her.

"I brought along a couple of dresses for you to try on." She told me. I smiled shaking my head. "Maybe you'll find your dress in there."

"What if I already got a dress picked out for this evening?" I asked her as we entered the elevator.

"Well, do you?" she asked smacking her lips. I could tell she was a little annoyed. I bit my bottom lips and shook my head no. "Well, it's a good thing I came over then." She said. We rode up to my floor and got out and walked towards my condo. "We're gonna have you looking good tonight. He gonna think you're a model. And I promise you he gonna want to keep his hands on you all night."

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