innoncent vs selfishness .

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I walked into the restaurant and looked around the restaurant immediately spotting both Sheila and Kelly already sitting and waiting for me. I took a deep breath as I walked over to where they were sitting. When I reached the table the where they sat they both looked up at me in horror.

"Hey, She and Kel," I said greeting the both of them as I sat down in the empty seat in between the both of them. They both mumbled a hey or hi. I looked at their facial expressions and saw Kel's nose scrunched up into a frown. "Okay, what is it Kel?" I asked. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked her and looking at the both of them.

"Um, hello," she said putting at me. "Look at how you are dressed." I looked down at my attire which consisted of a stained yellow t-shirt and torn jeans that I usually wore around the house, but for the past few days I've been spending less and less time worrying about my attire or what people thought.

I shrugged my shoulders, "So?" I said unbothered.

"So?" she asked with her eyebrows raised. "El, are you okay? Do you have a fever?" she asked reaching to touch my forehead but I swatted her hands away.

"Yes," I told her. "I'm fine." I said.

"Then why are you dressed in that cheap get-up and look like you just rolled out of bed? Did your father cut you off?" she asked me. "Because the El I know never dresses this way. You'd be dressed to impress, flaunting the new-new—but, not this get-up," she said with a hint of disgust in her voice. "What is it?"

"It's—" A waitress walked up to our table with a smile on her face. "It's nothing," I whispered to her and turned my attention towards the waitress.

"Hello, Ladies," she said greeting us. "I'll be your waitress today. My name is Lori. What would you guys like to order?" she asked us. "Or would you ladies like more time to make a decision?" she asked.

I shook my head no. I was starving and I needed to eat now. I hadn't eaten anything all morning because there wasn't anything in Ty's fridge and I didn't have any money in my wallet. I was kind of hoping that one of them would be footing the bill today because I sure enough knew that I wasn't going to be the one paying.

"No, I'm ready to order," I told her. She nodded her head and pulled out her little pad and pen to take our orders, "I'll have the shrimp fried rice with eggs, ham, and chicken. And then can I get egg rolls and four piece chicken wings," the waitress scribbled down my order, "And a tall glass of apple juice." I added.

She nodded her head and looked at Sheila, "I'll just have a grilled chicken salad and bottled water." She told her and Kelly said that she'll have the same thing. The waitress finished writing down the orders and informed us that it should be out shortly and walked away from our table. I looked around at the restaurant and turned back around to see that the both of them had their eyes on me.

"Okay, what is going on?" Sheila asked with her strong Spanish accent coming out. "First you come in here with some old torn jeans and you just about ordered a whole dinner for four." She told me. "Please tell us what is going on with you and why you called this emergency meeting." She pleaded.

I sighed taking a deep breath and looking at the both of them. They waited for me to say something; anything to explain why I was about to eat like a damn pig. "I'm pregnant," I said softly and looking down at my finger and started playing with them. "Seven weeks," I added.

It was true. I am pregnant. After the home pregnancy test, I ran down to the nearest clinic I could find to retest simply because I didn't trust that stick. I knew that those home pregnancy tests could make errors about a test result. So, I went to the clinic and they had me take two different pregnancy tests: urine and blood pregnancy testing. And they called me this morning with my results.

"Awe, El," Kelly was the first to say. "I'm so happy for you and Jahbari." She said happily. "I know he's happy that you're preg—" I started shaking my head.

"It's not his?" I blurted out. She stopped talking, "The baby is not his." I said as the tears started to tingle and then finally rolling down my cheeks. I looked back up and saw the both of them look at each other. "I messed up." I told them.

"El, please don't tell me that you cheated on Jay?" Kelly asked me. I didn't answer her, "Awe, el," she said disappointed. From the corners of my eyes I can see Sheila shaking her head disapproving of my actions. "You cheated on Jay? I can't believe you did that. You two are planning on getting married and now this... you pregnant with another man's baby...?" I sat silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"He knows," I told them.

I watched as the two of them looked at each other, "Please tell me that you know who this baby father is." She pleaded.

I frowned. Well, who does she thinks I am. So random bitch who just opens her damn legs for anybody and let them hit. Did she really think I didn't know who knocked me up? "Yes," I told her. "I know who my baby father is... just not sure whether if it's Jay's or Tyrell's." I said revealing the other potential father of my unborn child.

I wiped away the tears, "You guys I don't know what to do." I said confessing.

"Well, the first thing you need to do chica is talk to the other baby daddy," Sheila said. "You need to tell him that you are pregnant and he might be a daddy in a few months. You need to tell these guys what's up." She said popping her gum. "They need to know."

Kelly nodded her head, "Yeah and Jay needs to understand too that he might be a father too also. And hopefully he can forgive you along the way if he loves you and you guys can still get mar—"

"No," I started shaking my head. "There won't be any explaining. I don't want this child. You guys of all people should know that I don't want children—I don't want to be a mother. I'm not keeping it." I told them.

Kelly shook her head, "I can't believe you to be so damn selfish." She told me. "Can you stop thinking about yourself for one second for once?" she asked me. "Ever since I've met you it's been all about you, you, and you. What you want. But you know something I bet you never thought about anyone's feelings. You do things the way you feel but you never think about others." She told me. "And by you wanting to kill this baby only add to your selfishness," she added.

"Have you thought about Jay's feelings or the other man...Ty's feeling, huh?" she asked me. "How are they going to feel?" She paused. "If you kill this baby you'll be killing an innocent child because of your selfishness." I looked down at my hands thinking about what she just said. The waitress came back with our food and placed them down on the table in front of us.

She was right. If I killed this baby he'll be mad. He had already missed the birth of his first child, and for me to kill his child would really hurt both me and him in the end. He would want to see the birth of his child. He wouldn't want to hear that his possible child is dead. But, what if he's...

I looked up at the both of them, "But, what if the baby's not Jay's?" I asked with trembling voice. "You guys already know I don't want to be a mother. But, if I keep this baby... I don't want to do it alone. I can't do it without him. Not without him in the picture. He's already got another baby by that girl I was telling you guys about and he's already broke off the engagement." I informed them.
They raised their eyebrows, "What?" they asked.

I nodded my head, "His neighbor was his ex-girlfriend. And she apparently told him that she was pregnant." I told them. "But, what I couldn't understand is why she waited so long to tell him."

"Wow," Kelly said amazed. "Ain't this some shit."

"Look," Sheila said placing her fork down. "You are not going to be alone. If this baby is not Jay's you still got the other possible baby daddy." She told me. "But, if he's not game to step up to the plate and help take care of you then we'll be here and your parents."

I looked down at the plate full in front of me and my stomach growled. The picked up their forks and resumed eating again. I'll take their advice and I'll keep this baby. And I wasn't making my decision based on what Ty's feelings because I could fucking care less about what Ty might think if I did keep this baby. I was making my decision to keep this baby based on how Jay would feel and think. It was bad I cheated on him. But, killing a baby that may be his is just crazy. I can't see that look of disappoint and disgust in his eyes anymore.

I'll go talk to him... but if he won't fight for you I won't keep you, because I refuse to have a baby and raise it on my own. Not without you Jay.

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