Namjoon: 17 December Year 21

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I Must Survive
Part 5

It was cold, but I was dripping with sweat and all my muscles tightened. After a while I was no longer wet. A chill ran down my spine. I kept telling myself I had gone up and down this same road countless times before with no problems all fall up until early winter. Besides, thet snow was not sticking to the road; it wasn't slippery yet.

But just after my third trip, the scooter slipped as I rode down again. There was nothing I could do. I had just started to gain confidence in my skills. I thought I was pretty good at maneuvering the scooter, especially since it was snowing so much.

There were very little other people on the road due to the snow. Small piles of snow were already beginninng to heap up on the sidewalks. The centre of the road was safe to drive on. The slope wasn't that steep either.

At least, that's what I thought until the scooter's rear wheel slid out from beneath me. Startled, I clamped down on the brakes tightly.

Was I holding them too tightly? The owner did say something about the brakes... I had listened to him halfheartedly...I couldn't remember what he'd told me about the brakes. I wish I'd listened to him more attentively.

I gained control of the bike for a fleeting moment, but before relief could wash over me, I was thrown off the bike onto the road. If felt as if the scooter had thrown me off as hard as it could. The scooter slid a way ahead of me down the road. It bumped into something. The collision made a loud thud.

I sprang to my feet, not bothering to check myself for injuries, and ran to the tree that the scooter had crashed into on the side of the road. The scooter lay on its side, covered in fallen leaves. I lifted the scooter up, cringing when I saw the deep scratch running down the underside of its body. There was no way I was going to get away with this.

I put the key in the ignition, hoping the scooter would start up again. I gave one splutter of life before dying again. I was so scared. If the scooter didn't start up again, I'd have to pay for a replacement. There was no way I'd be able to find the money to do that.

Every joint in my body ached. I was seized with fear.

I turned the key again, kicking the engine for good measure. The engine sputtered again halfheartedly and died once more.

I cursed under my breath and kicked the ground hard. My hands were shaking as I held the key tightly in my hand. I tried to compose myself, pushing away thoughts of my parents and my brother, and looked up to the sky.

I clenched and unclenched my fists, then, I turned the key again.



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