Seokjin: 11 April Year 22

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What to Look for When Lost
Part 4

With a sharp screech, my feet hit the brakes. The car stopped just in time.

I hadn't seen the traffic light change at all.

Students, still in their uniforms, looked back at me through the car window as they passed. Some were angry, while others laughed briskly, making jokes. Others walked with their eyes fixed on their books and some looked around while talking on the phone.

They all made for such a peaceful scene.

When the "walk" signal flashed, impatient cars budged and stirred. Those who jumped into the crosswalk at the last minute hurried across.

I stepped on the accelerator.

I arrived at the intersection in no time, the gas station to my left. I saw Namjoon filling up a car in the distance. I clenched the steering wheel.

I knew what to do, but it didn't mean that I was any less frightened. Would I even be abe to put an end  to this string of bad luck and pain? Doesn't repeated failure mean there's no possibility of success?

Doesn't it mean we should give up? Is happiness really a vain hope for us?

My head was aching with the pressure of all these thoughts.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly.  I thought of the others: Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi Taehyung and Jungkook.

I changed lanes and pulled into the gas station. Namjoon walked up to my car. I lowered the window to greet him.

"Long time, no see!"




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