Taehyung: 29 December Year 10

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Shadow of My Childhood
Part 2

I flung off my shoes, hurled my bag on the floor, and ran into the room.
Dad was really home. I had no time to think how long he'd been gone and where he was returning from.
I just threw myself into his arms.

Everything became a blur after that. I was disorientated from the shock of it all.

I wasn't sure if the smell of liquor on his breath, his curses or his hand hit me first.
I didn't know what was happening.

The alcohol on his breath was repulsive and his breathing was hard. His eyes were bloodshot. The beard he'd grown in his absence was scruffy.

His massive hand slapped my face again.

"What are you looking at?"

He slapped me again.
He grabbed me by the shoulders and picked me up.
I was almost face to face with him.

With those terrifying, bloodshot and that scruffy beard, it was impossible for him to be the father I once knew.

He wasn't my father.
Well...he was.
But he wasn't at the same time.

I couldn't even cry as he held me, my feet swinging helplessly in the air.
He threw me against the wall hard. The back of my head felt as if it had cracked as I slammed against the wall and crumpled to the floor.

My vision grew hazy.
I was seeing double.
And finally, everything slowly phased out into nothing but darkness.



The tense and order of actions in THE NOTES 1 was
slightly unnatural in the original book, so a few grammatical changes
have been made to give the storytelling a more natural flow.

although changes have been made to the tense used,
I promise they are very subtle.

BTS SMERALDO THE NOTES 1 (Edited & Translated)Where stories live. Discover now