Namjoon: 17 December Year 21

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I Must Survive
Part 3

Of course, there was competition here too. Most of the households subsisted on farming and, as can be guessed, were not that wealthy either. Delivery service was the only part time job available for boys in town. Eatery owners made us compete against each other.

"isn't it natural that I hire whoever impresses me the most?"

For them, it didn't matter that we were minors and didn't have drivers' licenses.
The boys who'd already been hired acted very territorial. They were only a few, but they threatened me with harsh hazing.

During vacation, the competition became fiercer. We voluntarily and competitively ran errands and took out the trash for the owners. Their connivance only drove us further. And yet, almost unexpectedly, we came to develop a sort of solidarity among us.

We were rivals, but we had a sort of sympathy for one another. If one of us didn't show up, the rest wondered what had happened. They also reminded me of the time I spent in that classroom at high school.

Some of them were similar to Yoongi, and some to Jimin.
I couldn't help but wonder...if my friends from school had met here in this village...
would we have competed against each other? Tried to outrival each other?

If I had met these delivery boys at school, would we have become friends?



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