Namjoon: 17 December Year 21

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I Must Survive
Part 10

Taehyung's mother was still sitting on that bench while I was taking Dad home from the hospital. I remembered exactly where Taehyung's accident had taken place. I was thrown off the scooter in the exact same place. After hearing about the accident, I had walked back up the trail by myself.

My breath puffed out in front of me and fell to the ground as small frozen crystals. The shape they'd drawn around  Taehyung when they'd found him had been half erased. I stopped at his feet.

The wind stirred the damp leaves resting on the ground. Grayish traces of calcium chloride remained on the ground.

I could've been the one lying here. If I had made that delivery, I would have been the one to die. It would'e been my body outlined here on the road. It could've been my family crying on that bench instead of Taehyung's mother.

Dad coughed violently.


I slowed my pace as we walked through the alley, the dogs barking at me again just like yesterday, before the accident.

Dad continued to try to speak, his voice frail, but I couldn't hear him over the dogs's barking.


After a week, Taehyung's death was old news and the village had returned back to normal. Taehyung's mother came back every now and then to sit outside the eatery to cry on the bench. No one shared her sorrow.  No one knew Taehyung very well except for her.

People simply snubbed Taehyung's sister until her mother took her away.

Some said it was just a traffic accident.

I decided to work at another eatery. I was one of the only people left who actually wanted to deliver at all after Taehyung's death. I did almost all of the deliveries in the village now.

Another heavy snowfall followed and the dangerous trail continued to freeze and thaw. Only a few deliveries were coming in. People were hesitant to call in orders. I was one of the onl people to apply for a delivery job.

I made five or six deliveries a day, and my income increased that much. I always wore a helmet. I never took my eyes off the road. I was always on edge when driving now.

Last night, without knowing it, I made my last delivery.




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