Mike Banning

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A/N: This imagine is for my friend  The-Man-with-No-Name 

Today was definitely not what I had expected. The White House was under attack and I was stuck in a secret hiding spot within the walls with President Asher's son Conner. It was my job to watch and protect him. The only safe place that I could think of was the Lincoln bedroom because of a secret passage due to the White House being renovated a long time before. I immediately shoved Conner inside of the secret passage and followed making sure the door closed behind you. 

"What's going on?" Conner asked as he was shaking a little.

"The White House is under attack. We need to stay here until someone gets us. You have to be quiet and listen to what I say."

I quietly opened the secret door and poked my head out to be able to hear better. Suddenly a single pair of footsteps could be heard causing me to quickly retreat back into the secret space closing the door. The footsteps were moving around the room making both me and Conner anxious. I pushed him behind me backing up as far as possible. Suddenly the little hatch like door opened and closed. A familiar face appeared.

"Mike?!" I whisper shouted.

"Hey, are you both ok?"

"I think so. Conner is just shaken up"

Mike told us to be quiet and follow him. We heard talking outside of the wall, causing both Mike and I to draw our guns. He counted to three and we all ran like hell while shooting through the walls. I kicked the exit of the passage way that led to another bedroom open as I all fell down making sure to kick the door shut behind me. We all got up and quickly moved out of the room and made way down the hall, then eventually down the stairs. Mike led the way across the floor passing the front doors and to a dark corner. I noticed there was a blue tooth on his ear.

"I've got Sparkplug. I'm sending up through an ventilation shaft on the northwest corner, ground floor."

I ignored the rest of the conversation and focused on listening for movement. I turned around to see Mike pushing Conner up into the ventilation shaft. Footsteps started coming closer and I noticed Mike had heard them too. 

"Conner, wait. Jacobs hold on." Mike whispered before we both hid. 

All I could hear was the footsteps were coming closer, then I seen a pair of shoes. We watched as the man looked up the shaft at Conner and tried yelling. Mike jumped out grabbing the guy around the neck making him slowly lose consciousness before snapping his neck. Mike walked back over to the shaft and looked at Conner.

"False alarm. Keep going." He said before backing up. "He's coming out Jacobs."

"Sparkplug received" I heard Jacobs say. 

"I want you to stay here but hide in the ventilation shaft. It's for your safety because this whole thing is dangerous." Mike said while looking at me. 

"Promise me you won't forget I'm here?"

"I promise. I'll be back when I get the President"

"Ok. Please be careful" You begged.

"I will" Mike said then started to walk away. 

I watched Mike freeze up for a second before turning back around. 

"Mike, what did you f.."

My words were cut off as I felt his hands grab the side of my face before he pushed his lips against mine. Without hesitation, I kissed back resting my hands on his chest. 

"I'll definitely have to be careful" He chuckled before walking away to go after the President. 

I smiled climbing into the ventilation shaft and patiently waited. I was exhausted from everything that had went on. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. I woke up to Mike gently tapping my leg. 

"Hey, wake up. It's all over and I got the President"

"Good because I got tired while waiting"

"I can tell"

Mike reached up grabbing my waist and gently pulled me out and down. I saw President Asher waiting for us while holding his side. I ran over to his right side and put his arm over my shoulder as Mike grabbed the other one. We made it out of the White House. 

"I'm sorry about the house, sir" Mike joked.

"It's ok, I'm pretty sure it has insurance" President Asher chuckled. 

Military men made their way over to grab the President and took him to an ambulance. The others took Mike and me to another ambulance for us to get checked out. After they said I was fine, I waited for Mike to get treated. Once he was done he was okay to leave. Mike walked over to me placing his arms around my waist and smashed his lips against mine. Again, without hesitation, I kissed back. We pulled apart both breathless. 

"So... how about a date? Since you know, this is finally over." Mike said while chuckling.

"I would love it" I said before roughly grabbing his shirt pulling him tightly against me and aggressively pushing my lips against his. Despite everything that had happened, I was glad we made it out alive to get this happiness.

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