Family Reunion Of Sorts👩‍👧

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"Tilly!!"  Kehau gasps Paul rushes out of the garden room and towards the Shuttle Bay where Tilly was when he got there he found her laying next to some crates unconscious and he calls for a transport from that room to Sickbay... a few minutes later Kehau was in Engineering preparing the spore drive for a jump when she sees Paul rush in he looks over at her and says breathlessly in a quick fashion "oh I could kiss you!"  she replies with a chuckle in her tone "no thanks I don't want Hugh to hate me or Saru to get jealous!"  he laughs then rushes over to her grips her chin with both his hands on either side of it looks into her eyes and kisses her cheek then rushes into the glass container and sets himself up for the jump she chuckles then finishes preparing the Spore Drive.... a week later Kehau walks onto the Bridge and asks with a curious tone "why is Amanda here!?!"  Michael and Saru look at her as she stands by the Turbolift doors staring at the Viewscreen and Bryce says "Captain, they've opened up a channel it's a private vessel with a diplomatic registry number they aren't required to tell us more than that the Captain's asking me to beam one aboard"  Owo adds "they're now in range for a visual, Captain"  Pike says "on screen"  Owo replies "aye Captian"  this time Michael looks at Kehau in shock then shakes her head as Saru says "that ship is Vulcan"  Michael tells them "that ship is Sarek's I recognize it...."  then she asks Kehau "are you sure!?!.... of course you are!"  Pike looks at them confused then says "report to the Transporter Room, Commander welcome the Vulcan Ambassador aboard"  Michael replies "yes, sir"  then as she walks towards the Turbolift she loops her arm through Kehau's and drags her with her Kehau smiles at her as Saru shakes his head at them.... "energize"  Michael says as soon as she and Kehau walk into the Transporter Room "aye, Commander"  the Science Officer working the controls replies as soon as Amanda beams aboard she looks at the two women before her in surprise "hello Amanda.... lovely to see you again!"  Kehau says Amanda looks at her with an odd surprised expression on her face "yes I sensed you so she knew it was you!.... no I didn't expect to be here when you actually arrived but thanks to my usually correct assumptions I was dragged here by your own daughter as punishment for my crime!"  she adds Amanda smiles at her and a soft chuckle escapes her lips then she sees Kehau tilt her head at her she shakes her head and looks relieved when Kehau nods in reply then say "well I'll let you two visit.... pleasure as always Amanda!"   Kehau bows in a very Vulcan fashion then walks out of the room.... Kehau stands next to Saru on the Bridge as he speaks to the recruits for the CTP she tilts her head as she looks over at Tilly and whispers in a low soft voice to Saru "I thought there were only three in the program.... why are there four people standing before us!?!"  Saru looks at her confused and she whispers with surprised understanding "because you can't see her!!"  she pauses then whispers "it seems Tilly has a shadow.... a very ANNOYING shadow!.... even more annoying than she tends to be at times.... if that's even possible!"  Saru hides a smile then he says out loud to the Cadets that stand before him as he takes Kehau's hand in his  "greetings, everyone, and welcome to Shadow Exercises as Starfleet's future Chiefs and Captains, this is your opportunity to build rapport with a senior officer, and see firsthand what their duties entail so let us begin"  as the three/four Cadets walk away from them Pike says as he leans up against the back of the Captain's Chair "look sharp, people this is our future competition"  Kehau hears the unseen fourth person ask Tilly "is that your Captain?"  and Tilly who was doing her best to ignore her annoying shadow says somewhat pointedly "um, Ensign Sylvia Tilly, sir fully present and utterly focused on this very important exercise for which I am all ears, Captain"  Pike replies "your dedication is noted, Ensign so, what should we do? how 'bout we marry some folks, even if they're not that into each other, hmm?"  Tilly says with a laugh and a smile "oh, very good, sir"  as she joined Saru at his station Kehau watched Tilly interact with her unwanted guest with a tilt of her (Kehau) head as the unseen girl says "I don't understand that was funny the Captain of this ship isn't funny, he's terrifying"  Tilly replies through her teeth "you may be thinking of an old Captain, Captain Lorca"  Kehau hides a chuckle as the girl asks "was he shorter? and blonder? and much, much whiter? because that's who I'm looking for"  there was a slight distortion in the air then the girl repeats her words "cause that's who I'm looking for he's not the man I need to talk to there was only one person on the Discovery that Kehau could think of that fit that description somewhat though the man she is thinking of isn't terrifying "why is she looking for Paul!?!"  Kehau whispers to herself with a curious tone "I'm ready if you are hop in the chair, Ensign"  Pike says "uh yes, sir"  Tilly replies "let's run a systems test"  Pike says "where is the other Captain?"  the girl asks "uh, a systems test uh, where?"  Tilly asks Pike "I think he wants you to sit in his lap while you work Tills!.... that way you can be even more nervous!"  Kehau teases with a smile Tilly smiles as the invisible girl gawks at her Pike shakes his head at her with a smile then says "that sounds like a good idea!.... no.... in the chair cadet"  Tilly replies as she tries to get over her shock since Pike has this way of sounding serious even when he's not "oh s-sorry"  and she glides over to the chair as though she was on skis then sits down in the chair "run checklist protocol"   Pike says "acknowledged uh, step one"   Tilly replies "Tilly, this is not right my plan is falling apart"  the girl says having enough of the unwanted guests badgering Kehau steps away from Saru and walks over to Tilly and orders in a somewhat threatening voice to the air near Tilly "I have heard enough out of you!"  everyone stares at her in shock as she continues "I don't know what this "plan" is that you speak of but pressuring someone to do something for you ESPECIALLY when you have done nothing for them in return is not the best way to go about getting whatever it is done!.... YES I can see you!.... NO I don't care what you have to say!.... as a matter of fact I think it's best that you SHUT UP so that Tilly can actually concentrate instead of feeling like some sort of schizophrenic person on the slightest verge of insanity!.... let the poor girl do her job and I will CONSIDER taking you to the one you THINK is the Captain of the ship!!"  the girl tries to speak but finds out that she no longer can do so she opens and closes her mouth then stomps her foot in a huff and disappears Pike stares at Kehau in shock and Kehau says softly "Tilly.... I think it's time for you to take a break.... you can finish this some other time when your mind is righted once more back to it's usual sharpness"  Tilly looks at Pike who nods then Tilly stands up and leaves and as she walks away Kehau whispers in a low soft tone "May Ahearn.... JahSepp"  though she had no idea where those names came from they just came....

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