𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆: 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌

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The red-headed woman pulled at her horses' reins with blue fingers. She trembled at the coldness, at the snow that pounded upon her. She was internally shivering, the temperature was different from what she was used to. The icy wall stood tall and strong in the cold, bitter wind that made her fall to the ground. She coughed and sneezed, causing minor yet painful headaches. Her back ached from walking so much and running and also jumping from high buildings. Her stomach ached at the fresh scars that haven't been probably treated. Covered in mud, she continues to pull her dark form through the bright snowy landscape. Her hands started to burn at the coldness she was presented with, she almost released her horse into the wild and cruel world. She couldn't open her eyes anymore and her knees buckled beneath her as she crashed to the ground, her horse also collapsing.


"She's a girl!"

"We can't shove her back out, she was close to death!"

"She should stay to regain her health,"

"Why don't we stop arguing? If she was a man, we would've made him work, why don't we make her part of the Nightswatch?"

"Because, Snow, for centuries no woman has ever served the Nightswatch, it's not going to change!"

"Jon found her, he should decide what to do,"

"I say she should stay to regain her health, like what Tyrion said,"

"Thank you, Jon,"

"Lord Commander, you can't let this happen!"

"Quiet Thorne, don't you have jobs to do?"

"She's not staying or serving the Nightswatch!" Sylvia slowly peeled her eyes open and saw a partially angry man storm out of the room. Six other men stood around, one whom was tiny and the others fairly tall. One man caught her interest, had had black curls and doe brown eyes.

"Can you guys argue somewhere else, I have a bad head pain," Sylvia groaned out, slowly sitting up. Her words and movements caused everyone to be silent. "I didn't say shut up, did I?" She said, rubbing her temples.

"My Lady..." Before the dwarf could continue, Sylvia interrupted him.

"I'm no lady," She hissed.

"Well, woman, do you know where you are?" The dwarf continued. Sylvia looked down at him.

"No," The dwarf walked to the door, chuckling slightly.

"I'll leave you guys with her," He smirked before leaving.

"You are in Castle Black, the Nightswatch,"

"What's the Nightswatch?"

"A place where men serve to protect the Seven Kingdoms," The oldest man said.

"Ok, well I can go home now," She yawned, stretching her arms which she instantly regretted. The oldest man spoke again in his croaky voice.

"You can't leave, your health is too low," He manages to sprawl out. Sylvia rolled her eyes and stood up, she wrapped the blanket around her naked form.

"Who took my clothes?" She asked with slight fury in her voice.

"We had to make sure you didn't have any injuries,"

"We'll get you some clean clothes," Sylvia looked around and notice and large wolf standing beside the man who caught her eye.

"Is that your pet?" She asked, stepping closer and crouching down to its level.

"Well, he's a dire wolf, I urm, supposed he is my pet," Sylvia allowed the large beast to sniff her left hand as she used her right hand to keep the blanket in position. The large white dire wolf sniffed her hand before he licked it. Sylvia giggled before she stroked under his neck and he fell to the ground, allowing her to rub his belly.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟//𝐆𝐨𝐓Where stories live. Discover now